Keeping a watchful eye on your vessel is always a good idea when you’re ashore on what would have to be one of the most picturesque ‘beaches’ in southeast Queensland.

Insights to boat insurance – Resorting to a new location

Noticed the continual transformation and growth of that sand bar into a sand island slightly inside Amity Point off North Stradbroke Island? location

For those familiar with the area, the changes to the ‘four reds in a row’ beacons at the eastern end of the Rous Channel – which is now pushing a more direct line to South Passage Bar, past Toad Bank – has created a very unique location.

Many folks have chosen it as an ideal location for a day’s boat outing, as the photo shows.

And the explosion in popularity of those candy-coloured cabana-style sun shelters along with traditional umbrellas and blue marquees has synergised perfectly with the bank’s transformation.

With this change comes a few relevant marine insurance points.

First, with a couple of sharp drop-offs at some points around the sand island, your day will be all the more enjoyable if you have your vessel set up right, with the correct anchoring system and technique.

Second, with the increasing popularity of the area and fast-running water at some stages of the tide, you’ll probably feel a lot more relaxed if you have full marine insurance cover for your boat.

Vessels can move quickly and unexpectedly when skippers are trying to secure the perfect mooring position between craft that are already anchored in the location.

There’s the possibility that the arrival of another vessel in inexperienced hands could impact adversely on the security of your well-set anchor.

Similarly, the location’s proximity to South Passage Bar and the rocks along the Rainbow Channel near Amity created a situation where if things go pear-shaped, potential damage could be expensive.

Keeping a watchful eye on your vessel is always a good idea when you’re ashore on what would have to be one of the most picturesque ‘beaches’ in southeast Queensland.

Third, all that fancy sandbank survival gear mentioned earlier – cabanas, shade shelters, inflatable chairs toys, super-trick kettle-style barbeques and other paraphernalia – will most likely not be covered under your marine insurance policy.

The items onboard such as marine equipment, fishing rods and other fishing gear – if properly stowed – probably will be covered.

Check that the new cabana and associated gear is covered under your household policy when it is away from the house… and on a sandbank in the middle of the bay.

As always, what is and what may not be covered will always be decided in accord with the terms of insurance as defined in your insurance policy’s product disclosure statement.

That’s why it is so important to read it thoroughly and to note any special conditions and excesses, which should be explained clearly in your PDS.

If you need further information, you can contact Nautilus Marine Insurance on 1300 780 533 for any boat insurance requirements.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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