samurai cruisers travel rods

Samurai Cruisers travel rods

INTRODUCING Samurai’s new three-piece, 5’9” travel rods in two weight ranges in both spin and baitcasting, built specially for barramundi and cod.

These are shorter travel rods for pinpoint accuracy, making them perfect for tight country, skinny creeks, mangroves and overgrown river locations. The 16lb and 25lb weights are ideal for your heavier creek needs, so why not keep one in your car just in case! Cruisers come in an indestructible travel case designed to fit into your luggage and be thrown about the ute with no worries.

The travel package includes a spare tip, so if you’re unlucky enough to snap your first while trekking, there’s another in the tube to get you back in the game. Just like the existing Cruisers, the seamless joins make these rods a joy to use. Show your mates and they won’t even believe the rods are multi-piece.

High-quality AAA cork and stylish aluminum parts make these travel rods a classy piece of artistry. Be the envy of all your mates on the next work trip. Pull one out of your suitcase and you will have friends you didn’t even know about!

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