A basic starting point for selecting a TT HeadlockZ jig head.

Selecting a HeadlockZ jig head for your Z-Man plastic

This jig head selection guide is designed to assist you as a basic starting point for selecting a TT HeadlockZ jig head to suit your chosen Z-Man soft plastic.

Z-Man soft plastics

Z-Man soft plastics offer anglers many benefits including 10X Tough ElaZtech construction, allowing you to catch more fish per plastic and rig them over and over again.

And a soft natural feel that keeps fish biting, plus a natural buoyancy that allows them to be rigged to fish on the surface or weighted to fish the depths.

This natural buoyancy also brings the plastic to life in the water and creates a natural ‘claws up’ defensive pose or ‘tail up’ feeding pose when at rest on the bottom, attracting fish and triggering strikes.

Fish on!

TT HeadlockZ

HeadlockZ feature a ‘head lock’ keeper, designed to lock your soft plastic in place on the jig head.

HeadlockZ Finesse jig heads

Built on a fine gauge Gamakatsu chemically sharpened black nickel hook for maximum penetration on light lines and with light drag settings.

HeadlockZ HD jig heads

Built on a brutally strong Mustad heavy wire black nickel chemically sharpened hook for maximum stopping power and taking on jig head destroying species such as mangrove jack and snapper.

Z-Man soft plastic care

Take the time to care for your Z-Man 10X Tough plastics and they will keep on catching.

Store your Z-Man in the original pack to avoid reaction with other plastics and avoid extreme heat for maximum life.

Now, check out the sizing chart to find the best HeadlockZ jig head fit for your selected Z-Man soft plastic.

For more information, visit tackletactics.com.au

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