Steve Stojko with his personal best jewfish of 97cm taken on a live yakka in the Gold Coast Seaway.

Sounding for trophies

SO, here’s a question. How many of you have a great sounder on the boat and don’t really know how to use it? How many of you turn it on and look at it wondering what all the pretty colours mean? I guess a lot of people are afraid of pressing too many buttons in case of wiping out a favourite mark or doing something wrong.

Well, now is a great time to build a bit of confidence in your electronics and seriously get to know how to operate them. It will make a massive difference in results when you go fishing. This month, I want to go over some of the more basic to intermediate sounding principles that will vastly improve your catch rate on the water. sounding trophies

Fish finders were invented to do exactly that… find fish, and when used correctly you will record a noticeable distinction in what you come home with in the Esky. They ping the water with sound waves through the transducer and the return signal bounces back off things such as fish, and the bottom is processed within the unit to give you a visual display of what’s under the water.sounding trophies

Zac Sandford with a beautiful looking snapper taken on a pilchard with a pink skirt, floatlining off Surfers Paradise.

The better the unit, the better it sounds the bottom, and the bigger processors and bigger screens give you a better picture. Where I live on the Gold Coast, it’s been alive with fish recently and with the snapper and pearl perch closure here, we really need to spend our time effectively targeting other species.sounding trophies

It doesn’t matter what type of fishing you do, being able to use your boat’s electronics and understand and comprehend what appears on the screen of that unit can be a great asset anytime you intend on catching a fish. I’m going to focus on a few screenshots taken on my Raymarine Element 9 with the four in one-style transducer.sounding trophies

I’m only going to talk about the pure sonar function at this stage, which I’ve provided in the illustrations. This information relates to what I would be looking for on the screen at any one time. I trust what I see on my sounder 100 percent and if I don’t see fish then I simply won’t even drop a line. Simple as that.sounding trophies


About Ben Smith

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