Thank you to the 500 fishers who have already responded to the survey - we appreciate your efforts and participation.

Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme survey

Did you hold a SIPS permit between 1 March 2022 and 28 February 2023?

Help us maintain and improve the world-class fisheries on offer in Queensland’s dams and weirs by completing our SIPS survey!

Fisheries Queensland is conducting a short, 6-question survey of SIPS permit holders to help maintain and improve the world-class freshwater fisheries on offer in Queensland. The survey results will help us allocate funds from permit sales to stock fish in over 60 SIPS dams and weirs.

In 2021–22, over 3.1 million fingerlings were released across the state, and a record figure of more than $923 000 was made available through the scheme. The scheme was also boosted with additional Queensland Government funding to support stock recovery after the 2022 floods.

We appreciate your ongoing support of the program and freshwater fishing in Queensland.

For data validation purposes, we ask that you supply the email address, mobile telephone number or SIPS permit number associated with your permit. If you prefer not to provide these details, please copy and paste the following number into the survey instead: 314383

It only takes a minute to complete, so please take the survey today and help support continuous improvement of our stocked waterways – it closes 5 pm, Friday 14 April 2023

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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