The past week has been quiet with not much activity to report. The conditions were less than ideal, leading to a few unproductive days for those who ventured out in hopes of a good catch. This quiet run will hopefully be disrupted by the upcoming full moon next Tuesday. The full moon phase is often associated with increased fish activity due to larger tides, resulting in more water moving about. The days leading up to the full moon, as well as a couple of days following it, are typically considered prime times for fishing.
We are heading down to the Gold Coast next week for the Australian Fishing Trade Association Tackle Show and will be closed Wednesday to Friday August 2-4. The event highlights new product releases from all your favourite big brands together with showcasing smaller brands and unique products. We can’t wait to let you know what’s new in the world of fishing! If you can’t wait, the show is open to the public on Saturday and is well worth a visit. You can find out more information on the AFTA website.

Ordinary weather offshore made it difficult for many fishos to head out too far this week, with better catches reported closer to shore. Those who managed to get out from Mooloolaba reported catches of amberjack, kingfish, cobia and hussar at the Hards.
Those fishing offshore from Noosa reported quality mulloway, cobia, goldspotted cod, grass sweetlip, tuskfish and moses perch. A few longtail tuna were also taken off the bottom. Catches of cobia and amberjack were reported off Caloundra prior to the poor weather conditions setting in too.
A reminder that the closed season applies to snapper and pearl perch throughout Queensland tidal waters from July 15 to August 15.
Maroochy River
The past week saw catches of jewfish in the lower reaches and bream in good numbers throughout the river. Flathead were on fire and took just about anything. There are still a few onion, golden, diamond and giant trevally from the Cod Hole up towards Chambers Island. Majorcraft JigPara jigs, Pro Lure Clone Prawns and smaller profile paddle tails have claimed the most fish. A few garfish were spotted and are great fun to catch on light gear. Try the Hook’em Fishing pre-made gar rigs in 1g and 2g for your best chance.

Noosa River
Noosa fishos reported that bream and flathead catches were plentiful at the mouth along the Tewantin stretch and Gympie Terrace. Queenfish, trevally and bream have also been reported at Woods Bay. Bait options include live beachworms and peeled prawns, or small paddle tail or prawn imitation soft plastics have been doing the job.
Caloundra fishos had success with tailor and trevally caught on metal slugs off north Bribie Island.
Beach fishos have had the most success over the past week with worms. Catches have included dart, bream and whiting off the beaches at Noosa down to Caloundra.
If you are looking for some tips to get you started, advice on where to fish or assistance with setting up you rig, call in and see us at 311 David Low Way, Bli Bli. We pride ourselves on offering our customers exceptional customer service, which sets us apart from our local competitors. From teaching you how to tie a knot to spooling your reel, we are here to help!
Bait Master Fishing and Tackle is your go-to for fishing gear, ice and bait including live beach worms and fresh mullet. We also offer rod and reel servicing and repair at the best prices you’ll find anywhere on the coast.
Trent and Corinne
Bait Master Fishing and Tackle