Bait Master Fishing customer OMDog caught this awesome spanish mackerel.

Sunshine Coast – weekly fishing report

Welcome to your weekly Sunshine Coast Fishing Report! We’ve enjoyed absolutely perfect weather for the start of the school holidays, but unfortunately it won’t last, with conditions expected to deteriorate over the weekend. Next week is looking cold and wet, with the wind picking up on Sunday and Monday. Late Tuesday and early Wednesday may be your best chance for calm’ish conditions, before the wind picks up from Thursday onwards.

Fishing has been similar to the past couple of weeks, with most beaches, estuaries and offshore missions resulting in good catches.


Offshore fishing has been productive with good catches of amberjack, kingfish, snapper and pearl perch at the Hards and plenty of snapper still in the shipping channel. Catches of snapper, pearl perch and cobia have been reported north to Double Island Point and the North and Sunshine reefs. At the Barwon Banks, anglers have reported catches of pearl perch, snapper, amberjack and hussar. North Reef is also serving up some good pearl perch, sweetlip, spanish mackerel and tuna.

Will and a decent flathead caught this week.


Mooloolaba reported snapper on the Gneering Shoal and Murphys Reef, and dart, bream and a few whiting along the beaches, bream around the rock walls and bridge pylons in the Mooloolah River and trevally on soft plastics.


The Maroochy River was a hotspot, with catches of golden, giant, tea leaf and diamond trevally from the Cod Hole to Bli Bli. There’re also plenty of flathead about, and tailor around Twin Waters and the river mouth. Sand crabs have been found around the river mouth, while mud crabs are in the upper reaches, so it’s a great time to drop the pots.

Bait Master Fishing regular, Noah caught his first ever jewfish on a Holt Productions Swimprawn. Well done!


In Noosa, anglers have reported catches of tailor, flathead, bream and mud crabs in good numbers. Off the beach, there continues to be good-sized flathead and tailor also reported up towards Double Island Point.

Caloundra has seen catches of flathead, dart, whiting and tailor off the beaches, while the passage is still fishing well, with bream and flathead in good numbers and even the occasional cale cale trevally this week.

If you’re on the Sunshine Coast for the school holidays, make sure you stop in and say hello, grab some bait and have a chat with us about fishing spots. You’ll find us at 311 David Low Way in Bli Bli, or check us out online at We are open seven days a week during the school holidays.

Do you have a hot tip or an awesome catch you’d like us to feature in our fishing reports? Send us a message on Facebook or Instagram, or email us at 

Trent and Corinne
Bait Master Fishing and Tackle





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About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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