Jaime caught his PB tailor measuring in at 56.5cm caught on a Bassday SugaPen 90mm.

Sunshine Coast – weekly fishing report

Welcome to this week’s Sunshine Coast Fishing Report. There’s been some great catches reported over the past week, with good conditions and some lovely sunny days. Once again this is set to change, with more rain forecast over the weekend. Offshore conditions look awful well into next week, so we’d recommend finding a sheltered onshore spot if you’re hoping to wet a line.

A solid diamond trevally caught by Harry.


Unfortunately, offshore fishos will have to wait for conditions to improve, as the next week looks like it’s going to be wild and windy. However, the past week saw some good fishing with catches of spanish mackerel and yellowfin tuna at the Barwon Banks. Those fishing off Caloundra reported catches of kingfish and cobia.


Whiting continues to be caught in good numbers in the Maroochy Riverwith Chambers Island, Picnic Point and Cotton Tree the pick of the spots. In the river itself, bites have been slow, so patience is key. The water is still dirty thanks to recent small tides, and predicted rainfall for this weekend won’t do much to help. Trevally, flathead and sea mullet have been reported, caught on small jigs and soft plastic lures. Some bigger flathead over the 75cm mark have also been caught and released this week. The cooler weather has started to see jewfish making their presence known in the deeper stretches of the river.

Zach caught a nice diamond trevally.


In the Noosa River, catches have been similar to previous weeks, with bream, grunter bream, trevally and whiting making up the bulk of the catch. Some big flathead have also been caught in the mid reaches.

Zane with a nice flathead caught and released at Noosa this week.


Catches at Caloundra this week have included flathead, bream and whiting in the passage.


Reports of nice sized tailor are coming in, with catches of dart, jewfish and whiting also caught along Caloundra, Kawana, Maroochydore and Marcoola beaches.

Macca called in for some of our premium squid this week and turned it into some nice jewfish, ranging from 53cm to 63cm in size.


We’ve got some of the best bait on the coast, including live beach worms, premium squid and garfish, mullet and a great range of Sea Queen frozen bait. Drop in and see us a 3/99 Aerodrome Road in Maroochydore, or visit us online at

Tight lines,

Trent & Corinne
Bait Master Fishing and Tackle





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About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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