Happy Easter! The Easter long weekend is looking perfect, with fine sunny conditions expected after some possible storms on Friday. With an influx of visitors expected over the break, no doubt popular fishing spots will be crowded, so we recommend getting out early or heading offshore to escape the crowds. There are plenty of good areas away from the more popular locations, so if you’re after an Easter feed, it may be a good weekend to do a bit of adventuring.

Offshore conditions have been fairly consistent this week, with good numbers of tuskfish, pearl perch, moses perch, snapper, grass sweetlip, cobia and spanish mackerel are still about from Double Island Point down to Mooloolaba. Smithy from Smithy’s Fishing Charters at Mooloolaba saw catches of black marlin and wahoo from the 50-fathom line to the Hards, mahi mahi around the fish aggregating devices, tuskfish and hussar on the Barwon Banks and mixed tuna schools from the inner to outer Gneering Shoal. Noosa offshore fishos have reported catches of mulloway, coral trout, pearl perch, grass sweetlip, cobia and tuskfish.
The Maroochy River is still delivering good catches of bream, flathead, mangrove jack and jewfish. Dunethin Rock has been quiet this week, with local fishos reporting dirty water that seems to be keeping the big ones away. The Noosa River is always a good chance for bream and flathead, with some good giant trevally and queenfish also being caught.

Prawns seem to be everywhere at the moment, with creeks your best bet for a decent catch. Report of good catches in Eudlo and Coolum creeks have been coming in, so keep your eye out for them on your sounder or try spotlighting for them at night off local jetties and banks – when you see the red in their eyes flash, throw out the cast net!
No matter where you are fishing on the coast, we have plenty of lures and bait in the shop to suit. Our bait freezers are stocked and our live beachworm tanks are full, ready for the weekend. If you’re here on holiday and need some advice on fishing spots or bait, come in and see us at 311 David Low Way or you can shop on our website at www.baitmasterfishing.com.au We are open every day over the Easter weekend.
Tight lines and calm seas,
Trent and Corinne
Bait Master Fishing & Tackle