Techniice Bait Box

THE Techniice Bait Box is the perfect companion for those fishing trips to the local jetty.

Coming in two sizes, 18 and 28 litre, and able to be bought as a package including three attached rod holders and a powerful aerator, land-based fishing with live bait has never been easier.

A strong and adjustable shoulder strap and polypropylene carry handle make transporting the Bait Box (which also double as cooler boxes) a breeze.

Built for salt and fresh water use with marine-grade stainless steel fittings, waterproof switches and watertight pump compartment, the Techniice Bait Box will go anywhere you can.

In addition to running on two D size batteries, the aerator can be powered by a 12V (cigarette lighter) plug, with a handy 12V DC adapter included in the package.

An airtight gasket seal around the lid ensures what goes in the box, stays in the box and the solid and durable construction means the box doubles as a seat to make those long days or nights of fishing that much easier.

All this for the low price of $119 for the 18-litre package and $139 for the 28-litre combo (both with free postage Australia-wide).

The Techniice Bait Box is available now direct from the manufacturer at

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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