
Wilson Deluxe Scaler Bag

The Wilson Deluxe Scaler Bag is designed to be towed behind the boat with your catch held safely inside.

As the two-ring bag sits on the front of your boat’s wake, the tumbling action strips the scales from the fish, making for less mess when you’re cleaning the fish back at the boat.

The Wilson Scaler Bag can handle most small to medium-sized fish and can even be used to clean squid tubes easily on the way back to the ramp.

Wilson Fishing is an Aussie, family-owned wholesale fishing tackle supplier and manufacturer.

We specialise in developing quality products for Australian fishing conditions, employing over 50 staff Australia wide. Wilson Fishing is famous for our Venom range of Aussie built, Aussie designed fishing rods as well as Live Fibre and Snyder Glas.

Founded in 1946, Wilson Fishing is a 100% Australian owned and operated business. Our history has seen us develop relationships with some of the world’s premier fishing and marine companies, including Kilwell, Mustad, Toit Tools, McArthy Baits, Surecatch, Mason, Tuf-Line, Zerek Innovations, Duo Lures, Live Target Lures, ATC reels and Bone Fishing World.

Wilson Fishing can supply you with a massive range of fishing accessories to make your fishing time more comfortable and more enjoyable.

Visit wilsonfishing.com

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