2019 lions mary valley fishing classic
Photo: maryvalleycountry.com.au

2019 Lions Mary Valley Family Fishing Classic

PREPARATIONS are well under way for the 2019 Lions Mary Valley Family Fishing Classic to be held at Lake Borumba on the November 2 and 3, 2019 according to Mary Valley Fishing Committee Chair, Glenn Williams.

Mr Williams also welcomed two new sponsors for 2019 with the Imbil Hotel sponsoring a “tagged fish” prize of $2000 and Noosa Outback who operate the Borumba Campgrounds sponsoring a special Juniors (15 years and under) draw for a Viking two plus one kayak valued at over $1100. It is great to get support from two Mary Valley businesses like the Imbil Hotel and Noosa Outback and we thank them sincerely for their contribution,” Williams said.

Details of the tagged fish competition will be released shortly but it is expected to be a Bass, which is the most common catch at the lake.

“Every junior entry will go into the draw and they don’t even have to catch a fish or a red claw to be eligible for the prize. They just need to enter the competition and be present for the prize draw,” Williams said. Mr Williams also said the lake is stocked with a number of species including bass, golden perch, catfish, saratoga and silver perch due to the efforts of the Lake Borumba Fish Stocking Association who will be assisting as marshals on the weekend.

“The Association has been active again this year with substantial releases of fingerlings as part of the restocking program which is supported in part by the proceeds from the annual fishing competition” he said.

Fishing starts at 6am on Saturday morning and finishes on Sunday at eleven o’clock followed by the distribution of prizes and major prize draws at Noosa Outback Campgrounds. Saturday night will feature free live entertainment by local entertainer and club supporter, Graeme Jensen, lucky draws and a cooked meal will be available.

Breakfast and lunches are available throughout the weekend as well. The competition, which is in its eighth year has attracted about 125 entrants plus their families in the past and a bigger roll-up is expected this year. “We really want to see the families turn out for the weekend as there will be a lot of good outdoors fun with any funds raised being returned to the Lake Borumba Fish Stocking Association,” he said.

Entry Forms and details will be available shortly on the Gympie Lions website gympie.qld.lions.org.au or by emailing the Lions Club on gympielions@gmail.com

You can also follow the competition on Facebook at Mary Valley Fishing Classic.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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