November is a great time to start planning for the month ahead as we gear up towards my favourite time of year – the pelagic run. This year things could be varied with the absence of La Niña and El Niño. Last year was very different to previous years, so keep an eye out and be prepared before the fish arrive. Action Sunshine Coast
For now, expect to find a few big spanish mackerel patrolling the shallower coastline from Double Island towards Mooloolaba, particularly if we get a heat wave. If you have a kayak, whole trolled bait are best. Extra-large mack tuna, garfish or big pillies on a troll rig and a short length of single strand wire are the go. DI often produces amberjack, trevally, goldband snapper, saddle tail sea perch, nannygai, jewfish, snapper and red emperor, to name a few. Action Sunshine Coast
At times it is well worth the trip or load the trailer and drive to Tin Can Bay. Be sure conditions are suitable for your level of experience as the Wide Bay Bar can be dangerous. Big fish, sharks and bust offs are commonplace here, so go in well armed. I love high speed jigging for amberjack and trevally because the hit can be similar to trying to stop a freight train! Action Sunshine Coast

I find PE5 jigging gear the go as sharks are often present. As always Oceans Legacy have something for spinning and overhead reels and take a beating with ease. Look at polyethylene braids from Shimano and Varivas, 150-250g jigs and get some Shimano Ocea leader in the 80-100lb range. Take a look at various jigs around 100-200g from Gomoku and Samaki.
Slow jigs also work very well while drifting and as always upgrading the hooks is essential, as are long leaders to cope with getting rubbed up against the reef and sharks. For those fishing closer to Noosa, North Reef has been holding a great mixed bag of species with jewfish around the 1m mark. These fish will take a wide range of bait including live, slab and strip on snelled 7/0 octopus circles and 60lb leader.
Another way to target these fish is on slow jigs, with the Samaki Ribcage an option for deeper water. Soft plastics between 5-7” work very well, especially while drifting and lifelike presentations such as the Chasebaits Flaccid Shad which has a great swim action. Keep leaders down to 30-40lb so you get the best action when using lighter jig heads around 3/4oz.
While snapper, cobia, tuna and mackerel are present it is always a great idea to have a pilchard floater out. These work well on Sunshine Reef with a light berley trail during a neap tide. Be sure to pick up some pellets, tuna oil and aniseed oil and mix with sand for a killer berley mix. Sunshine is the place for big coral trout, grass sweetlip, venus tuskfish and of course snapper. Out here a mix of styles work well, with 20lb set ups being perfect for soft plastics and light jigs in the 40-80g range.
Now for all the latest information log onto fishingnoosa.com.au for up-to-date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Tackle World Noosa, Noosa Boating and Outdoors and Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember, tight lines and bent spines!winter kick