benefits of kayaking

Benefits to fishing from a kayak

benefits of kayaking benefits of kayakingAs a devoted kayak fisherman, I see the benefits to fishing from these craft often. Whether it be a paddle yak or pedal they both hold the advantage of fishing shallow and stealthy. Choosing your kayak can be a daunting decision as there are so many on the market and all of them have their own features and advantages.

The biggest decision is between if you go for paddle kayaks or peddle. Paddle kayaks are great as they are monitorable and light making easy load and unload. However, peddle kayaks are bigger, heavier but also easier to use been hands free. Choose the kayak that suits you and kayak fishing will be more then enjoyable!

Personally, using the Hobie PA14 kayak has opened my eyes to how well and veritable this fishing can be. Been able to travel great distance in a short time, as well as not exhausting yourself is defiantly an advantage. The things that we see in a kayak is also amazing. From marine life that wanders the shallows to the dolphins and manta rays of the deep. Kayak fisherman get to experience it all.

If you are getting not this kind of fishing the key is patience. Finding the correct spots to fish as well as the right time to fish those areas. We are restricted to a relative area we chose unlike a boat been able to spot hop. Look for areas such as flats, close reefs or man-made structures such as canals or rock groins. Once you’ve found your area to your going to fish, take your time. Fish don’t sook as easy on a kayak so you can take more time in finding and targeting an area. Fishing in and around tight structure can be so rewarding fish wise, but also costly on the back pocket.

Make sure you take the time to learn your kayak and manage your skills such as turning quickly and fighting fish with control. Nothing worse then loosing a fish in an uncontrollable fight. Get out to new area and try new thing, you never know what an area holds until you fish them from a kayak craft. Remember a PFD is essential to this sport and always tell someone when your going, where you’re going and when you will be back and if your plans change let them know.

About Wellington Point Marine

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