big barra monduran
Book a charter with Jamie Bein to ensure you find the fish.

Big barra lurking in Lake Monduran

big barra monduran
Fish the prime bite times and you too could enjoy success in Lake Monduran.
big barra monduran
Barra love sitting in warm areas of the lake.

HAPPY New Year to all anglers.

I hope Santa was able to take care of your wish list this year. With the warmer days and nights, the big barra have been on the boil. The first new moon of the year should prove to be a great time for catching some of those bigger barramundi lurking in Lake Monduran. The new moon (January 6) is in harmony with the sun as they rise, transit and set together. This influences the feeding habits of the barra and in turn increases the catch rate for anglers.

On the full moon (January 21), the sun and moon directly oppose each other, with moon rising at sunset and setting at sunrise. Both these moon phases have increased gravitational influence on the earth. During these phases we are provided with three windows of peak activity during daylight: dawn, noon and dusk. These things need to be considered when planning our fishing trips, along with water temperature, wind direction and what lure or bait would be suitable for the conditions.

Over the past few months some very large barramundi have been seen on sounders and even more exciting we’ve heard of great hook-ups, though sadly the anglers have lost the battles. Regardless, some quality fish have been boated and in good numbers. Lake Monduran follows the Kolan River course, with many creeks and tributaries throughout creating an ideal network of creeks to keep any angler happy.

The abundance of baitfish gives the Mondy barra plenty of fuel to grow at a rapid pace. And with such a plentiful supply of bait, the big barra are less likely to eat the barra fingerlings we put into the lake each year. As we move towards February we should see big barra thriving in the temperate waters and increasing catch rates.

Places to pursue are Rainforest, Cattle Yards, White Rock, Tara Ran Creek and as always Bird Bay. Trolling the main basin and Bass Strait could produce personal bests for anglers. Dr Evils and Killalures that get down to the 5m mark should produce the goods when trolling. Cast and retrieved lures should dive to 3.5m or less depending on time of day and water temperature.

If you are not getting much action on the edges, then fish deeper-diving lures around the trees a little further out. Look for the birds, as they are a good sign baitfish are feeding in that area. Also, late in the arvo look for some of the rocky outcrops that hold a lot of heat. The barramundi will lurk in those warm areas charging their bodies to be ready for their night-time hunt.

Remember, barra are equipped for night vision with their croc-like red eyes that can see extremely well. This is another reason why barra can get the edge on baitfish because they don’t see as well as the barra on a dark new moon night. This month is your last chance to catch one of the tagged fish in the Golden Barra competition – someone has to be a lucky winner, and who knows it may be you!

Stay safe on the roads and waterways this holiday season. Be courteous and considerate towards others and make your holidays pleasurable. Call in to Barra Havoc and get the most up-to-date information on what’s being caught and where. We are situated on the southbound side of the Bruce Highway between Tyrepower and the Gin Gin Fire Station.

Happy angling and have faith that the next one will be the big one!

About Donna Gane

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