big muddies bundaberg
Tyler Jeffrey with a couple of awesome mud crabs he caught recently.

Big muddies worth a look around Bundaberg

Sophie Wilson with the 84cm flathead that was caught and released at Elliott Heads recently.
Mitch Beyer with some ripper grey mackerel he caught last week.
Rylee Mears with the 39cm cod he caught recently using light bream gear.


The grey and school mackerel are in good numbers on all the inshore reefs off Bundaberg at the moment.  Fast-retrieving 50g Flasha spoons and Halco Twistys vertically off the bottom has been getting most of the bites.  If there’s a bit of run in the tide, setting pilchards out in the mid-water column will get you into some action.  There’s also some cracker grunter being caught as well, and most of them are being caught on 20g soft vibes and 5” soft plastics.  Let’s just hope the weather plays the game!


The Burnett River has been really producing the goods with some cracker mangrove jacks!  Most of these fish are being caught on 4” paddle tail soft plastics slowly rolled off the rock bars.  Also, setting live baits such as poddy mullet and sprat on the rock bars and deeper holes should get you some great jack action.  A few lucky anglers have been catching fingermark while using live bait as well, so keep that in mind.  The fingermark are super-tasty on the dinner plate.  Don’t forget to throw the crab pots in because the morning tides are well over three metres at the moment, so the crabs should be on the move.


The Baffle has been producing some cracking flathead and queenfish towards the mouth.  Most of the queenies are being caught on surface lures.  Look for stressed baitfish on the surface and work your popper over them.  Mix up your retrieve – sometimes they like long pauses between your pops.  The flatties have been taking a liking to 3” Zman MinnowZ, and the Electric Chicken is the standout colour.

The Kolan has been producing some ripper mangrove jacks and big muddies. Most of the jacks are being caught on Luckycraft Pointers and live baits.  The favourite hooks to use for livies are the 4/0 and 5/0 Mustad Big Guns.


Lake Monduran has produced two one-metre plus barra over the past two weeks, which is super exciting! With the water levels dropping so quickly now there are plenty of new snags in the lake.  I think fishing the heavy timber is the go at the moment.  There’s very little weed and lily pads in the dam at the current time  so fishing the timber is a must.  Remember to fish with confidence – don’t let that dam beat you.

Till Next time

Keep it real

Mitch Beyer

Tackle World Bundaberg

big muddies big muddies 

About Tackle World Bundaberg

22 Quay St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 1800 822 553 or (07) 4153 4747

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