Fishing News

Officers catch fishers and restaurants red handed

operation turbo reef illegal crab haul red handed crabbing rules queensland aussie salvage squad fined commercial fisher fined $12,000 deter black marketing

FISHERIES officers from the NSW Department of Primary Industries have continued to crack down on the illegal possession and sale of recreationally caught fish. NSW DPI Acting Director Fisheries Compliance, Anthony Chen, is reminding recreational fishers and restaurateurs to follow the rules or face the consequences. Mr Chen said the warning follows a number of convictions of fishers and restaurateurs …

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Great Barrier Reef visitors urged to be Reef smart

great barrier reef smart

WITH thousands of people enjoying the Great Barrier Reef during the summer holidays, visitors are reminded to follow responsible Reef practices and be Reef smart when out on the water or visiting islands. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Reef Protection acting general manager Belinda Jago said enjoying different activities and experiences throughout the iconic World Heritage Area needed to …

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Flathead stocking trial a first for NSW

dusky flathead stocking nsw

THE Port Stephens Fisheries Institute has now successfully reared juvenile dusky flathead and in early December, NSW Department of Primary Industries released 1200 flathead measuring about 15cm in the southern areas of Lake Macquarie in the greater Newcastle area. DPI has been working on breeding technology for duskies over the past year to hopefully enable large-scale dusky flathead stocking in …

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Boat crushing sends loud, clear message to illegal fishers

boat crushing black market fishing

THE fishing boat at the centre of Queensland’s biggest black market fisheries bust has been reduced to recycling material after being seized and crushed by the State Government. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the 4.3m aluminium vessel was crushed to show all fishers what can happen if they flout Queensland’s fisheries laws. “This boat crushing …

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I’m fishing for a whiting Christmas – choose local fish and seafood

inshore local fish

WITH Christmas Day almost upon us, waves of Australians are beginning to stream into their local fish markets in search of delicious, nutritious and sustainable Australian seafood. Minister for Agriculture, Bridget McKenzie, said Australian seafood comes from the safest and best managed fisheries in the world, and encouraged all Australians to choose local seafood this summer. “Australians consume an average …

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Snap it, share it and reel in some great prizes

great prizes dolphinfish mahi mahi fad snap selfie queensland

FISHERS have the chance to win some great prizes simply by taking a selfie at southeast Queensland’s newest attractions. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the 10 Fish Attracting Devices (FADs) have proved very popular since they were installed off the Gold and Sunshine Coasts last month. “We’re already seeing photos on social media of people …

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Five facts about Aussie prawns

aussie prawns

AUSTRALIANS are well known for their fondness of seafood, especially over Christmas. In fact, around six million kilograms – or a staggering 40 percent – of our annual prawn consumption occurs over Christmas alone. So with the festive season on the doorstep, what better time to dive into some prawn facts. Fact 1: Where did you come from? Have you …

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Letter from Sunfish to Fisheries Minister regarding commercial fishers

vessel tracking policy feedback minister harvest strategy

DEAR Minister, I understand the Bill to go to Cabinet on December 9, 2019 to progress the commercial allocation process for the Harvest Strategy has been further delayed. It is very important to get this Bill into the January sitting to be progressed. The recreational sector has co-operated with the process and has accepted a large reduction in catch of …

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Study finds uses for dead carp

uses for dead carp

RESEARCHERS at Curtin University in Western Australia found a range of successful uses for dead carp, from fertiliser to feed. This could help use the large amounts of dead carp, which would be generated if the all governments in Australia decided to introduce the carp virus to control this pest fish. The study investigated various utilisation options which could also …

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World-class fishing experience not a passing FAD

fad fads southeast queensland fish attracting devices

QUEENSLAND fishers are set to reel in a great catch with the installation of 10 new fish-attracting devices (FADs) off the southeast Queensland coast this week. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the FADs are floating buoys tethered offshore to attract fish. “We’re creating a world-class experience by investing $1 million in these structures that will …

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