
Spanish mackerel and coral trout monitoring


Did you know Fisheries Queensland have measured over 10,000 spanish mackerel in the Torres Strait since 2019 as part of our Torres Strait Biological Sampling Program? Fisheries Queensland are working with Torres Strait communities in collecting length, sex and age information about their catches of spanish mackerel and coral trout species. This helps provide more certainty about the management arrangements …

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Make sure you know the law on restricted species


Lucky enough to catch a feed on the water, plan on processing it? Make sure you know the law! restricted In NSW any species of fish with a size limit is known as a ‘restricted species’. If you’ve caught, collected or speared a restricted species the ONLY types of processing you are permitted to do while in, on or adjacent …

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Solid snapper from rubble ground


Let’s hope 2024 brings nice weather so we can all get out and chase a few fish. snapper With the weather warming up, a lot of people will turn their attention to chasing mackerel in the bay, but there’s another species to chase in summer – snapper. Most anglers only target southern bay snapper in the cooler months of the …

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Big barra in Callide Dam


On the list of good barramundi dams in central Queensland is Callide. For as long as I can remember, it has grown big healthy barramundi at a fairly fast rate. Water quality must be exact for this to happen, and Callide Dam has the right conditions. It’s not an overly big storage, so you’d think catching them would be quite …

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Queensland Aquarium Fish Fishery


The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water received an application from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on November 27, 2023. The application has been prepared to address the guidelines for the ecologically sustainable management of fisheries – second edition – and will be used to assess the operation of the fishery for the purposes of …

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Going fishing made easier in NSW


Summer is a wonderful time of year for a family getaway or a fishing trip with friends, and DPI Fisheries is making it a little easier for you to find and explore fishy destinations. Our free Go Fishing handbooks are packed full of useful information, with easy-to-read maps detailing popular local fishing locations, tips and techniques for common species plus …

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Targeting Brisbane River snapper

Continuing on with last month’s tips for targeting snapper in the Brisbane River, time of day isn’t as important as fishing the right tide. I’ve caught plenty of good fish in the middle of the day. If you coincide a good stage of the tide with an early morning or late afternoon, you’re giving yourself a good chance of hooking …

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Sunshine Coast – weekly fishing report


Welcome to this week’s Sunshine Coast Fishing Report. This last week has seen some bumper catchers on the coast, with estuary fishing in particular firing after the recent rainfall. Conditions for the next week are forecast to be a combination of sunny skies and potential showers, with moderate breezes, ideal for those who favor inshore waters. Offshore conditions look prime …

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Bundaberg – weekly fishing report

Inshore fishing Our Inshore fishing at the moment has sure been red hot! This time of the year due to the Northerly winds we generally see a lot of bait being pushed in close and this brings in the pelagic fish. Queenfish, trevally, tuna and mackerel have been the main species being targeted and caught at the moment. When chasing these fish …

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Gold Coast summer whiting and crabs


Well, it’s a brand-new year with some fresh fishing opportunities, hopefully. This can be a tough month to fish during the day because it’s hot, windy and at times stormy. I used to be keen on night fishing but in recent years I much prefer to get out on the water in the early morning. It’s a great time of …

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