Local fishers are invited to an information evening to discuss local fishing issues and Queensland fishing rules. The information evening will be held at the Australian Hotel (Grey St, St George) on August 27, 2015 from 6.30pm. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district officer Coby Walker said a number of changes to Queensland’s freshwater fishing rules came into effect from …
Read More »Queensland Government Must Honour Its Election Promise To Rec Fishers
THE Australian Fishing Trade Association has called for the Queensland Government to honour its election promise and fully implement the three commercial net free zones at St Helens Beach to Cape Hillsborough, Keppel Bay to Fitzroy River and Trinity Bay. The call comes following reports that the powerful commercial fishing lobby is putting significant pressure on the Government to renege …
Read More »Government contributes $1.1 million to solve fishing disputes
ACCORDING to a Queensland Country Life report, the Government has given a total of $1.1 million to two national fishing bodies in a bid to clear the air and solve fishing disputes between recreational and commercial anglers. Commercial fishers and those who fish for fun have received more than half a million dollars each from the Federal Government in an …
Read More »Murray cod on worms
Gladstone barra and jacks active
WINTER in Gladstone year has been very mild until recently, with temperatures rarely dropping below 12C on the central coast. This has seen the water temperature staying higher over winter and fish such as barra and jacks remaining a common capture. As the temperature begins to rise towards the end of August, these fish will start to bite for longer …
Read More »Sneaky squid session
Changing to a 4g jig gave me enough distance to reach the back of the target area and allowed me to slowly work along the bank, keeping the old 10’ glass rod high to compensate for the weight of the 4g jig over the shallow reef. The only modern aspect to the rod and reel combination that has changed since …
Read More »King threadfin concerns in Brisbane River
STOCKS of king threadfin in the Brisbane River are at risk of serious decline. Infofish Australia has been monitoring the commercial catch for over a year but with a dip in the 2014 catch it wasn’t clear the take was too high until April/May this year. To March, Brisbane was the second-largest king threadfin fishery in the state. A meeting …
Read More »Gold Coast rivers ripe with fish
August coincides with fantastic tailor action on the lead-up to the moons in the lower reaches of the Tweed and Gold Coast river systems. Tailor tend to spike in activity around the tide changes and in particular the first couple of hours of the run-in tide. They can often be easily located by either bird or surface activity as they …
Read More »Recognising the value of recreational fishing in Australia
PARLIAMENTARY Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture Richard Colbeck will this weekend attend the National Recreational Fishing Conference and Tournament on the Gold Coast where he will speak about the Government’s commitment to the sector. “The Government is working to further strengthen lines of communication with our recreational fishers – who are estimated to contribute a massive $2.56 billion to the …
Read More »Iconic Keitech Mary River report
Luke and Callum also used O.S.P High Pitchers to attract the attention of the bass lurking in the undercut banks. Fishing 10lb straight-through fluorocarbon, the anglers pitched as close as possible to the edges and noticed the bass took the lure within the first two cranks. Hobie Kayak Series Peter Bostock, a BCF manager from Brisbane, had a plan to …
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