
Join Redland Bay Amateur Fishing Club

redland bay

The Redland Bay Amateur Fishing Club caters to fishos of all skill levels. Founded 30 years ago by a few enthusiasts at the Redland Bay pub, the club has grown into a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for the outdoors and fishing. The clubhouse for the RBAFC, located at 247-257 Esplanade Redland Bay, boasts a two-storey viewing …

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Bundaberg – weekly fishing report

Inshore reef fishing This week we have finally had a break in the weather and this has meant plenty of boats have headed offshore in chase of some tasty reefies. We have seen great success coming from those who have been bottom fishing the northern and southern gutters with some cracking trout, sweetlip, venus tuskfish and even the odd snapper. …

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Sunshine Coast – weekly fishing report


Welcome to this week’s Sunshine Coast Fishing Report. The weather gods have finally smiled upon the Sunshine Coast, delivering some awesome weather over the Easter long weekend. Perfect conditions offshore have allowed many boaties to venture out after an extended spell of unfavorable weather. These good offshore conditions are expected to continue until mid-next week. We are however, expecting the …

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Capricorn Coast Shimano King of Kings


As promised last month, we are looking into everything that happened back in early February at the Shimano King of Kings Capricorn competition. First, a big congratulations to all of the organisers, who put together an awesome event again. This year saw record-breaking numbers, with plenty of new teams registering to be part of the fun. One hundred team nominations …

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Fishing in Tin Can Bay


G’day crew, where is this year going? I hope you are all well and have been able to wet a line over the past few weeks in between the crazy heat and rainy days we’ve had. Despite the town seeming to be a little quiet recently, it was all systems go in the shop, even with the weather not really …

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Maximising mackerel mayhem


Hi everyone, sorry I missed an article last month. Right on crunch time, when it was due, I had my appendix removed. A very common procedure I know, yet it had me out of action for a couple of weeks, on doctor’s orders. I’m still on light duties, though the doc did say I could go fishing… if I had …

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Broadwater Easter fishing trips


After a rainy week the sun has come out finally, and the forecast looks ok for the Easter weekend. Nerang river has got quite dirty again but the fishing will still be good for whiting, bream, grunter, and flathead using yabbies, beach worms, and flashy colour lures. At Tweed river Brad reports that it was a bit tricky to work …

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Bundaberg – weekly fishing report


Inshore reef fishing Although the weather has definitely not been ideal to head offshore we did see a few boats brave the rain and sneak out to our inshore reefs earlier in the week. The wind was down to about 10knots and at 0.8m of swell off Burnett Heads it was good enough for a few anglers to have a …

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Sunshine Coast – weekly fishing report


Welcome to this week’s Sunshine Coast Fishing Report. Unfortunately, we’ve had another week of heavy rainfall and windy conditions. The freshwater, combined with super high tides, has made our estuaries virtually unfishable again. Offshore has been a no go, and freshwater options are flooded. This week’s report therefore will be another short one. Hopefully the sunshine we are seeing poke …

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Tips for catching sand whiting


Hi everyone, well we are coming towards the end of a hot, wet and windy summer, which is a relief! On the plus side, the fishing has been epic. I know I’ve been talking about sand whiting a lot lately but this month I will share again some tips for targeting these hard-fighting and delicious fish. Summer rainfall at the …

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