
Try for Flathead, Whiting, Bream & Travally at Tin Can Bay

What a mix of different weather this past week from absolute glorious conditions earlier in the week including some stinking hot days to strong winds that would blow a dog off it’s chain and now rain at Tin Can Bay!  Looking at the forecast for the weekend this wind is set to decrease over the next few days although will …

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South Stradbroke Island Kayak Trip

The campgrounds were impeccable, proof that all who visit this place respect its beauty and leave it the way they find it. At this point I should probably point out that you don’t exactly need to rough it over there. I didn’t know this at the time, but the island is well equipped with running water, toilets and a great shower facility. I …

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Good Run of Fishing on Tweed Coast Continues

they have been avoidable and the more preferred reef species have hung about. It is simply a matter of identifying a school of leatherjacket on your sounder and moving somewhere else. As I sit here and write, they seem to be leaving anyway, so that’s good news all round. Solid squire and jewfish are being caught on Windarra Banks. Teraglin …

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Gold Coast rivers ripe with fish

August coincides with fantastic tailor action on the lead-up to the moons in the lower reaches of the Tweed and Gold Coast river systems. Tailor tend to spike in activity around the tide changes and in particular the first couple of hours of the run-in tide. They can often be easily located by either bird or surface activity as they …

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