Amy Burns from WIRFN holding up her first ever barramundi – a monster caught in Lake Monduran.

Confusion about SIPS

While the majority of people do the right thing, Fisheries Queensland have recently come across a few who were confused about the Stock Impoundment Permit process (SIPS).  

  • There are 63 dams and weirs in Queensland that require a SIP to fish with a line 
  • The impoundments are stocked with native fish specifically for recreational fishing 
  • The fees go towards maintaining and enhancing recreational fishing in stocked impoundments 
  • All persons over the age of 18 must hold a permit when line fishing in SIPS impoundments 
  • You’re entitled to a discount if you have a Queensland Government Seniors Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card 
  • You must carry your permit – digital or paper version – with you when fishing in a stocked impoundment and produce it on request by fisheries officers 
  • Check out our interactive search tool for impoundments that require a permit – 

For more information and to acquire a permit, download the free Qld Fishing 2.0 app or visit the Fisheries Queensland website

On 1 July 2023 most of our fees and charges increased by 3.4% in line with the government’s indexation policy.

A Stocked Impoundment Permit covers access to all Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme (SIPS) impoundments and allows you to fish with recreational fishing lines only. Permits cost:

  • $12.72 per week
  • $60.42 per year
  • $43.46 per year if you are entitled to a discount*

* You are entitled to a discount if you have a Queensland Government Seniors Card, Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card or a Repatriation Health Care Card (Gold Card).

All persons over the age of 18 years must hold a permit when line fishing in SIPS impoundments (children and teenagers under 18 years do not require a permit).

You must carry your permit (digital email, digital sms, paper receipt) with you when fishing in a stocked impoundment and produce it on request by QBFP.

Enjoy your fishing! 

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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