essential exercise kayak fishing
Gavin Robinson with a great photo of a longtail or northern bluefin tuna which he caught just off the shore at Peregian Beach. Photo:

Essential exercise enjoyed by kayak fishing community

Despite the current situation, anglers are using this time to take part in some essential exercise, social distance and wet a line. Kayak owners especially are enjoying the chance to go out and catch a feed for the family. For now we can fish from the land as long as current rules are followed. Please be sure to check current health advice so you know what is allowed from a fishing point of view as things can change rapidly.

Offshore the continued run of pelagic fish are starting to show up. We have smaller tuna in the bay with some big fish popping up from time to time for those doing essential exercise in via kayak fishing. The big tuna and mackerel will be taking bigger floated or suspended baits of pilchard, slimy mack and live bait. They respond the same in terms of bait presentation and even down to lures used. If you want to tangle with one try fishing from Jew Shoal, Inshore Sunshine reef and heading north from the bar toward Teewah. You will also find cobia if sending out baits so be sure you have around 40lb leader and limit use of wire where possible. If you are after some quality reef fish then there is no reason to go any further than Sunshine Reef. Here there have been some huge coral trout, lipper, medium sized pearlies, snapper, cobia, mackerel and tuna. For the bulk of reef fish a simple twin hook paternoster rig from Black Magic comes fitted with solid hooks and a multi-colour flasher to get the best from your baits. Bait wise take some pilchard and local squid baits to complete your essential exercise kit.

In the river the flatties and whiting are biting well in the lower part of the river. These fish taking a range of plastics and baits. For those around the river mouth be sure to try the big hole on the southern side of the rock wall. In here you can find a few other species lurking in the rocks so be sure to get the right angle on the fish or you will get bricked! Along the surf zone be sure to practice your pipi shuffle as they could be just below the surface and make cracking baits for bream and dart.

Away from the river mouth area you can expect to continue the run of flathead, bream and trevally as you approach the current line into Woods Bay and heading up river toward the boat ramp. If launching from town don’t forget to head up river once the tide turns so you can find the clean water line. It is always worth moving up or down river with this as fish will often feed in this. Try flicking soft vibes into this as they attract many species. The Berkley Shimma fork will take many fish when worked closely to the bottom. If you take these lures up river be sure to stop off around Cooroibah and just beyond the navigation markers. Here the bottom is still relatively sandy and big lizards can lurk here.

If looking for a bit more seclusion then don’t forget Kin Kin Creek. You can find a mixed bag of species here as the water is brackish. This area is heavily laden with timber and is a lure fishos paradise. Be sure to use the new Shinto weedless hooks on smaller 2.5-3 inch soft plastics for better results. Lastly don’t forget to load up on ice before you start your trip so your catch remains fresh.

Now for all the  latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoors in Noosa and  Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!

About Tackle World Noosa

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