fishing gear maintenance
Thomas Cummings with a nice gold spot cod, his new personal best.

Get all your maintenance sorted on fishing gear this weekend

Due to the challenging times that Australia is facing because of the Coronavirus, producing a Fishing Report is proving a little more difficult than normal.

Whilst there are strict guidelines from the Queensland Government regarding fishing for food in your local waterways, only with your family who lives with you or one other person, it might be a great idea to get all your maintenance sorted and make sure your gear is tip-top for when this virus has disappeared.


Wash down your fishing rods with fresh water, and wash the grips carefully with warm, soapy water to ensure they are fully clean.  Use Tackle Guard or Mako Oil on the rod guides to prevent corrosion.  Use light reel oil or machine oil on the line rollers to keep them running freely.


After each use in either salt water or fresh water, lightly sponge the reel with warm, soapy water and rinse off with fresh water. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, IMMERSE THE REEL IN WATER, OR WASH UNDER PRESSURE as this forces water into the gearing and drag systems and will damage them.  This damage is NOT covered under warranty.  Dry the reel and lightly spray with Tackle Guard or Mako Oil surface spray.  Using high grade reel oil or sewing machine oil, lightly oil the handle knobs, line rollers, bail arm springs, folding handles, etc and wipe clean.


It is very important to check wheel bearings regularly.  I try to replace mine every 12 months because there is nothing worse than breaking down on the side of the road because of a worn bearing.  Also, check and grease all trailer rollers, and check your winch cable for wear and tear, and replace if needed.  Grease all linkages and adjust trailer brakes as required.  Also check that all the trailer lights are working and replace any faulty bulbs.


Salt Away is a fantastic product to remove all salt from your pride and joy.  This product is easy to use and dries streak-free.  Make sure all your switches are working and replace any items that are faulty or not working eg: bilge pumps, electronics, etc.


I’m sure that with a little common sense, Easter 2020 can still be a fantastic time to spend with your family, and if we all do the right thing, we will beat COVID-19 and all be back doing what we all love.  Stay safe everyone.

Fish with confidence

Dale Smith

Tackle World Bundaberg

About Tackle World Bundaberg

22 Quay St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 1800 822 553 or (07) 4153 4747

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