extra-hot gold coast
Wayne Young with a couple of quality mud crabs.

Extra-hot weather makes for awesome Gold Coast action

It’s been an extra-hot week here on the Gold Coast with temps hitting the mid 30’s at Coomera and the odd afternoon storm with an impressive lightning show. Let’s have a look at some fishing options.

With the high daytime temps, humidity and the odd storm there has been plenty of extra-hot activity in the afternoon in the Coomera river this week. Lots of bait schools being harassed by predators on the tide changes and particularly in the late afternoon. Customers have been catching some nice Mangrove Jack, Trevally and a few Long Toms around the upper reaches of the river, Regatta Waters boat ramp area near the rock bars and highway bridge, Gold Coast City Marina stretch of the river and the multiple jetty’s around Santa Barbara and Sanctuary Cove. Locally caught bait Live Prawns, Herring and Mullet have been getting smashed and also casting a range of soft plastics and hard body lures will work.  Keep an eye out for bait fish action and you should be in with a chance.

Customers have scored a feed of  Mud Crabs, the better quality bucks have been fairly full of meat.  Try and spread the pots out a bit, some in the deeper water, shallow water and right up in the feeder creeks and entrances to the creeks to find where the larger numbers of Mud Crabs are. Good spots to look are the Never fails, Tiger Mullet Channel, Canipa Passage, Coomera River North and South arms, Tipplers Passage, Jacobs Well, Cabbage Tree Point, Eden Island and the Logan River.   Some nice Sand Crabs are also being caught whilst targeting the Muddies.

Jumpinpin Bar entrance has been holding some good schools of Tailor, just a matter of locating the bait schools on the sounder or keeping an eye out for bird activity and any splashing on the water from feeding fish. Casting small metal lures has worked well once you locate the fish but you’ll quickly work up a sweat in the extra-hot weather.  Some nice sized Jew have also been caught outside the entrance to Swan Bay and along Kalinga bank on live baits like Pike and Mullet.  The Gold Coast Seaway will also be worth a look around the tide change.

Customers have been catching a feed of Bream, Whiting and Flathead around Wave Break Island, Brown Island, Coomera River, Dux, Jacobs Well, Tiger Mullet Channel, Short Island and through Canaipa Passage.  The mangrove lined banks are holding some nice Bream and try the edges of the Sandbanks on the run out tide for a Flathead.  Try using Worms for Whiting and Yabbies, Prawns, White Pilchards, Mullet Fillet for Bream and Flathead.

Chasing Prawns will be a good option on the weekend, the action around the salt works at Macleay Island has started to slow up after a good run. Searching the usual spots from Jacobs Well North to the Top of Russell Island until you find the prawns will be the go.  We still have a couple of 12” Top Pocket Chain bottom Pro Throw cast nets in stock if you’re wanting to get out and chase a feed.

Hope you all have a good weekend and get out for a fish, if you have any reports please let us know how you went.

Coomera Houseboat Holidays/Coomera Bait & Tackle now have Hire Tinnies follow the link to view http://www.coomerahouseboats.com.au/our-fleet-type/hire-tinnies/

Seabreeze is a great website to access a local forecast http://www.seabreeze.com.au/graphs/

At the time of writing my report the forecast for Friday and Saturday looks good with light SE to NE winds on the way. Sunday will see an increase in the wind and a swing in direction to the N/NW. Just make sure you have the most up to date weather forecast before heading out on the water. Watch the swell on the local bars if you are thinking of heading offshore.

If you have any great catches to report or fishing photos please email them to brett@coomerahouseboats.com.au    Good luck with the Fishing.  Brett

Coomera Bait & Tackle operates with Coomera Houseboat Holidays. We are open 7 days a week offering a great range of Fishing Tackle Gold Coast for our local area as well as bait & ice. We have the experience and local knowledge to get you out catching fish in no time. We offer off street parking and also a courtesy jetty for customers arriving by boat. Call 07 5502 6200

Coomera Houseboat Holidays Website www.coomerahouseboats.com.au

Coomera Bait & Tackle Website http://coomera-bait-and-tackle.business.site/

Coomera Bait & Tackle Facebook page www.facebook.com/CoomeraBaitandTackle

Coomera Houseboat Holidays Face Book page www.facebook.com/CoomeraHouseboatHolidays

About Coomera Houseboat Holidays

84 Shipper Drive Coomera QLD 4209 P: 07 5502 6200

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