Fish Exporters Hook Funding

MINISTER for Agriculture and Water Resources Barnaby Joyce today announced a boost of more than $930,000 for small seafood exporters under the Government’s Package Assisting Small Exporters program. The program continues to deliver on the Government’s election commitment to support small exporters through its $15 million four year program.

“This funding gives practical help to drive real export returns for our nation’s economy,” Minister Joyce said. “The grants will help Abalone fishers and oyster growers break into new overseas markets. “The Australian Abalone Council will receive funding to develop market access strategies and the Tasmanian Oyster Council will receive backing to restart exports to the US. “The seafood industry is a significant contributor to the economy of regional communities and these grants safeguard and grow the more than $500 million forecast in export earnings for this year. “Funding for residue testing will help maintain our export reputation as a reliable supplier of clean, safe, quality produce and give seafood exporters a competitive advantage in international trade.”

Grants for small seafood exporters:

  • Commonwealth Fisheries Association receives a three-year $551,757 grant to conduct a national residue survey
  • A two-year $234,579 grant helps Abalone Council Australia develop Asian market access strategies
  • An 18-month $132,550 grant supports the Tasmanian Oyster Research Council in a bid to regain market access to the United States of America
  • Woodbridge Smokehouse, which smokes trout and salmon, receives $19,140 to attend a Chinese trade show to promote its smoked fish.

Minister Joyce said the funding was timely. “This targeted support comes on the back of historic trade agreements the government has signed with China, Japan and Korea and recent government support to develop a new seafood industry body, the National Seafood Alliance,” Minister Joyce said. Under the program, a total of $5.3 million (GST inclusive) has been committed so far to small exporters of fish, meat, egg, dairy, grains and horticulture. This is in addition to the $1.3 million already provided in rebates to assist small exporters with export registration charges.

Further information on the Package Assisting Small Exporters can be found at the Department of Agriculture’s website:

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