Fishing Articles

From Newcastle to Noosa and Tewantin to the Torres Strait, Bush ‘n Beach Fishing magazine has got you covered with fishing articles from Australia’s most experienced anglers. Whether you’re into flathead, whiting, snapper, mackerel, bream, tuna, Murray cod, barramundi or bass fishing, there are fishing articles here to suit your interests. If you have an idea for a fishing article, email Bush ‘n Beach subeditor Dan at  l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Flatties, queenies, GTs and jacks


G’day crew, as always, I trust you’ve been keeping well, staying out of trouble and able to wet a line over the past few weeks. Personally, I’ve been too busy in the shop recently to be causing any trouble. With the Easter school break and a few public holidays thrown in, the town has had its fair share of visitors. …

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Luring monster flathead tips


Hi everyone, this month we’ve seen a big spike in winter species in the Gold Coast Broadwater. Large numbers of flathead, tailor, squid, flounder, bream, squire, winter whiting and other species can all be caught on lures, which makes the next three months my favourite period of the year for fishing. The amazing run of sand whiting locally has been …

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Tips for fishing structure


There are many old sayings in fishing that still ring true and one of those is ‘find the structure, find the fish’. Available structure for anglers includes natural environments such as mangroves, lilies, timber and channel edges, as well as manmade construction such as boat ramps, pontoons, stormwater drains and rock walls. Very productive manmade structures – and the focus …

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Live baiting spanish mackerel


Live baiting spanish mackerel can be the answer to either an amazing session or a slow morning. This all depends on the season, the water and various other conditions. The better times I’ve found for live baiting in winter have always been the start and the end, with dead bait filling in the middle. From big yakka and bonito to …

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Caring for your catch – Part 2


May is finally here, woo-hoo! for With the water current about to take a swing and mornings staying cooler for a touch longer, it’s the ideal time of year to spread your targets out and enjoy a variety of species on the table. Snapper are in good condition, bottom species are easier to target and spanish mackerel are kicking about …

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Hot action at Bli Bli Barra Fishing Park


Hi folks, this month I’m pleased to report on a recent trip to the Bli Bli Barra Fishing Park with my son and some friends. It had been a little while since I’d been to the park for one reason or another, including major surgery during the peak fishing season last year, so it was good to be back. On …

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Inshore snapper on soft plastics


A lot of anglers start their soft plastics fishing journey chasing bread and butter species such as bream and flathead, with the perception that snapper are a more exotic species reserved for anglers with big boats travelling long distances. This is not the case. Over the years, improvements in fishing tackle, electronics and watercraft have seen small boats and even …

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Whitsundays sortie – Part 2


Picking up from Part 1 in the April issue, the forecast looked a lot better for the following day so, as none of us had been to Bowen before, we decided to give that a run. I’d done a heap of research on the Bowen area before this sortie and had a few marks that sounded quite good. We also …

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A smorgasbord of bay species on offer


We’ve had fairly ordinary weather over the past three months – so much rain and wind. Some people look at it in negative way, but I see it as Mother Nature enforcing her own closed season. Almost all species have had a chance to recover, so now they should be ready for the picking. All that rain floods our waterways …

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Dead bait for solid spanish mackerel


Hello everyone, I hope you were able to catch a break in the weather and head out for a mackerel or two. On the Gold Coast, the wind and swell were non-stop for at least two weeks straight, making it very difficult to get out. Finally, there was a nice window of good weather that created a great opportunity to …

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