Hi everyone, we are in the busiest month of the year for our estuary fishing charters and, if the weather is kind, we will be out fishing nearly every day.
January is usually hot and wet, peak time for chasing big summer whiting.
The great thing about the Gold Coast, and particularly around Surfers Paradise, is the large and diverse area that big whiting can be found in.
We’ve already had a very wet start to our summer season, which makes it harder to target species such as mangrove jack and trevally, but easier to target whiting and mulloway.

It looks likely to be another wet summer, so that is why I will continue to chase these hard fighting and tasty fish.
During the cooler months, whiting can be found upstream, but as the weather gets hotter and wetter, they tend to venture downriver for their breeding season.
As I’ve written about previously, I go wading for them a lot on the shallow broadwater yabby banks.
This is basically every second week when the tides are low in the mornings, we can pump yabbies then wade.

Every other week, the tides are high in the morning, which makes fishing by boat easier.
Using either or both beachworms and yabbies, we will fish anywhere from the council chambers bank to the western side of Wave Break Island.
I move a lot and often until I find the whiting schools, then make shorter moves to stay with them as they graze and slowly move with the tide.
I have a few favourite boat whiting rods including Samaki and Shimano, which are all about 7’6” in length and 1-4kg.

I spool 2500 or 3000 sized reels with 10lb Platypus Platinum monofilament line, then use a 6lb fluorocarbon leader of about 1.2m in length, a #2-3 ball running sinker, a small swivel and a #4 short baitholder hook for yabbies, with a #4-6 sized hook for worms.
Once anchored over my favourite depths of 1-3m, I will cast the bait out as far as I can, then sit the rods in holders and wait for bites.
This is essential because whiting can be timid feeders and if you strike too early you will miss a lot of big fish.
Wait until the rod fully loads, then pick the rod up, strike once to set the hook and wind the fish in.

If you catch one whiting, there will usually be more nearby.
If you don’t catch whiting in 20 minutes, move 50-100m and start again.
The same goes for if you’re being pestered by toadfish and bream, keep moving until you find a whiting school.
My favourite spots to fish for whiting in summer are near the council chambers, Budds Beach and the western channel in the broadwater, including the Southport and Labrador areas.

In Queensland, sand whiting have a minimum size limit of 23cm and a possession limit of 30 per person.
Happy new year and tight lines!
To book a charter with myself or Brad, or if you have any fishing related questions, visit goldcoastrivercharters.com, text 0432 990 302, email fishingwithclint@gmail.com or find us on Facebook at Brad Smith Fishing Charters.