feedback snapper pearl perch survey
Local fisheries biologist Dr Sam Williams with a snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) – a new project is seeking input from recreational fishers and the broader recreational fishing sector to help rebuild snapper and pearl perch stocks. Photo: Sam Williams.

Fishing for feedback on snapper and pearl perch

QUEENSLAND recreational fishers, charter boat operators and other stakeholders in Queensland’s fisheries are being urged to take part and provide feedback in a survey to inform a project that is aiming to help rebuild stocks of snapper and pearl perch in the state.

An assessment in 2019 found that in Queensland waters stocks of snapper and pearl perch were at levels under the nationally recommended 20 percent original biomass level. In response, the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation supported a project to find ways to rebuild snapper and pearl perch fish stocks in Queensland waters using social marketing and working with feedback and assistance from the recreational fishing sector.

This approach allows recreational fishers to be directly involved with the development of on-the-water solutions that will help rebuild these fish stocks, to minimise the need for further changes to fishing rules. Researchers from Social Marketing @ Griffith are taking the lead in calling on local recreational fishers, charter boat operators and other stakeholders for advice and input, to help guide the project.

Carina Roemer, Research Fellow at Social Marketing @ Griffith said engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders is key to finding solutions that last. “We encourage everyone in the recreational fishing sector to respond to the short survey to make sure their voices are heard. By working together, we can create greater value for the sector,” Carina said.

Anyone with an interest in recreational fishing in Queensland can take part in the survey online and is encouraged to share the link with their network and peers. The ‘Fishing for Change’ project is supported by funding from the FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government and is being implemented by Currie, Social Marketing @ Griffith, Queensland’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the Centre for Marine Socioecology.

The researchers are seeking input to the survey until June 14, 2020.

The survey can be found at:

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One comment

  1. leslie john boardman

    hi, Where I live at Redcliffe the scarborough reef gets a battering the amount of boats is unbelieveable the coast guard boat ramp is packed the other ramp is packed as well. you could walk from boat to boat there is that many.
    I do understand whats happening but I have to say this, the whole fishing sizes have to be looked at not just snapper,pearl perch,bream,whiting,flathead,nearly all species. Size limits have to go up on all fish. Stop all netting, spear fishing the reefs down here close jettys from cast netting that would be good. fish sizes snapper from 35 to 38 allowed 2 per boat only. The department of fisheries have to do there job as as even on weekends get out where they can be seen.

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