fishing options for everyone

Fishing options for everyone around Noosa

Options for everyone were in place this week. Sunshine Reef was popular for anglers chasing snapper and pearlies before the ban comes into effect on the 15th July for one month. Snapper are a sucker for paternoster rigs with pilchards and squid baits. They also love soft plastics like the Gulp Squidvicious rigged on a 3/8th 4/0 jighead. This particular plastic has a lot of action which snapper are attracted to. Other fish coming off this reef system include sweetlip, pearlies, moses perch and small cod species.

Beyond the local reef areas DI has also been a great place t go while the conditions allowed for the long trip. Those who went weren’t let down with some bigger snapper, pearlies, jewfish, spangled emperor. For those going into the deeper stuff then the big red emperor have been on the catch list with big slabs of mullet sent down as bait. These fish require some stopping and 60lb braid is about as light as you would want to go. Come take a look at the Wilson Live fibres for a great rod with the correct action for stopping such fish, with rod options for everyone.

Surf fishing continues to draw the die hard jewie anglers out all along the coast. There have been some very sizable fish landed along the coast with fish reaching in excess of 120cm. The most important thing when fishing baits for jew is to be patient and allow them time to take your bait before setting the hooks. Be sure to leave the snapper hooks at home and break out fine wire octopus hooks like the Mustad penetrator which ensure a solid hook up. Daytime fishing in the gutters is providing dart upto and over 40cm but these fish require longer rods and fresh baits of pipi, mullet and/or beach worm. options for everyone

The Noosa River continues to play host to a mixed bag of trevally, tailor, queenfish, jewfish, bream and flathead. These species are all viable lure targets and now is the time where small jigs, hardbodies, plastics, sickbaits and soft vibes will work a treat. If you have a fish on your bucket list and want to get one on a lure then be sure to ask us how, where and when to get one. The lower part of the river around Munna Bridge, Noosa Sound and Woods Bay will see trevally, queenfish and smaller tailor beating up the baitfish. Super light weighted bait will work well when the light is lower and the fish are in open water feeding. The early morning high tides are a great time to chase trevally, queenfish and tailor as they follow the bait fish that come in on the super high tides. options for everyone

All along the front of Gympie Terrace toward the marina you can expect to find trevally but also good flathead and whiting as well as bream. Bream will be making their way downstream preparing to spawn and can be found around the structure of boats and jetties. Casting small soft plastics on 1/20th jigheads will get them and with 6lb outfits they are a lot of fun as these fish are big. The flats around Cooroibah will hold small whiting which are a great target on the same bream gear but switch the sinker for a small Bassday Sugapen surface lure. Cast these into the shallows and skip them along the surface for some great top water action. The ski run has small schools of smaller jewies moving around. They cn be hard to get the bite from but fishing on the turn in the tide is a great time to have a go. These fish love soft plastics and the smaller Powerbait nemesis has the right size and tail action these fish love. options for everyone

Freshwater is still fishing very well and with water temps at over 19C the fish are still very much active in both Lake Mac and Borumba Dam. You should aim to sound around areas less than 6-8 meters deep with good structure for the bait to hold. The bass are feeding up and some are huge right now. Slow rolled spoons, jigs and vibes is getting the bites. If using a jig then be sure to get some of the Atomic Trick Bitz assist hooks to turn your lure into a fish catching weapon. A simple slug like the Arma brass twist can make a deadly lure. Saratoga are still active and hitting surface stickbaits like the Jackson Risk bait and any other wide bodied lure. Be sure you use no less than 16lb leader as these fish will jump and bust you off. Have nets ready and you may be lucky to land one of these amazing fish! options for everyone

Now for all the  latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoors in Noosa and  Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!

Click here for more Noosa fishing tips.

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