Fishing Tips

Moreton Bay threadies and jew

Moreton Bay threadies

I hope everyone got through the floods okay. There’s still some debris coming down the river, so it pays to keep an eye out for it, particularly at night. Moreton Bay threadies Fishing has slowed due to the colour of the water, making it a little harder to find fish. Threadfin salmon have occupied the river for quite a while. …

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Brisbane River Bonanza

Brisbane River Bonanza

April is generally an excellent month for a wide variety of fish species and crustaceans. Brisbane River Bonanza At the time of writing, the rivers and creeks were still very dirty and mostly fresh around Brisbane. Brisbane River Bonanza As long as we don’t receive more rain, the fishing during April should be really good. Brisbane River Bonanza The bait …

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Water extraction project to keep more fish in our rivers

Water extraction project

The Australian Government is providing $6.6 million to the Queensland Government to deliver a program of work that could see more young native fish survive in the northern Murray-Darling Basin rivers. Water Extraction Project  The Fish Friendly Water Extraction Project in the Condamine–Balonne and Border Rivers regions will see funds allocated to install pump screens at river off-takes, to help …

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Never become complacent about pests in Australia

complacent pests Australia

Greetings fishos and I hope 2022 is not the year we see tilapia spread further. At least, let’s all aim for that. complacent pests Australia Well done and thank you to Freshwater Fishing and Stocking Association of Queensland for continuing to push the message that pest fish of all kinds are bad for our native fish and ecosystems. complacent pests …

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Trolling for quality golden perch

Trolling golden perch

Being a dedicated freshwater angler, one of my favourite pastimes is chasing the golden perch residing in many of our stocked impoundments. Trolling golden perch Specifically, looking for fish over 2kg. Trolling golden perch The first step in our quest for goldens is to select a location. Trolling golden perch Not all impoundments will suit our needs. As an example, …

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Safe travel through Gulf country

Safe travel Gulf

Hi all, the Gulf country of northwestern Queensland is a vast area of isolated stations, towns and diverse landscapes. Safe travel Gulf It has the ability to sneak up on the unwary and give you a swift kick in the behind if you’re not careful, but a bit of common sense and awareness can keep your family safe while enjoying …

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Final Torres Strait trip

Torres Strait trip

After 12 years of living and working in the Torres Strait, a job opportunity came up at the end of 2021 and so my wife and I made the decision to move back to Bundaberg, to be closer to family. Torres Strait trip It was all very last minute, so the rush was on to pack up our lives, book …

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Wild wet season on Cape York

When I first came to live on the Cape over 30 years ago, the seasons definitely seemed to be more predictable. Wild Cape York While the actual times of the start and end of the wet did vary from year to year, the sequence of events that marked the transitions were much more defined. Wild Cape York As the dry …

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Golden trevally a real treat

Golden trevally treat

And it’s still windy up here! It should be called Howling Bay not Hervey Bay. Golden trevally treat However, the fishing has improved post Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth and the Mary River flood. Golden trevally treat Plenty of nutrients are in the system now to attract bait. Golden trevally treat Not that I saw a lack of bait prior, only a …

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Broadwater fishing tips

Broadwater fishing tips

G’day everyone, we’ve had a fair amount of rain and wind over summer, enough to fire up fishing in the estuaries. Broadwater fishing tips When the weather has been kind, we’ve been running charters and getting some lovely fish for our customers. Broadwater fishing tips Brad Smith has been catching flathead, mangrove jack, big bream and trevally on Samaki Vibelicious …

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