Fitzroy River Barrage off limits to all fishing

Photos: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Photos: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

LOCAL fishers are reminded that the waters 400m upstream and 400m downstream of the Fitzroy River Barrage are closed to all forms of fishing. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol acting district officer Brenda Stevenson said the reminder was prompted by the discovery of a net within the closed waters area.

“QBFP regularly patrols the Fitzroy River area to ensure fishers are complying with fishing rules, which includes fishing outside the restricted closed water areas,” Ms Stevenson said. “While conducting a recent routine inspection of the Barrage closed waters, officers located a net tied to part of the fish ladder. “One dead barramundi and two dead catfish were found entangled in the net, and many more fish would have been killed on the next tide had the net not been discovered and removed.”

Ms Stevenson said closed waters are in place to help preserve fish stocks in areas where they may be vulnerable to overfishing.
“The Fitzroy River is closed to all forms of fishing 400m downstream of the barrage, and 400m upstream,” she said.

“There are also closed waters 200m upstream to 400m downstream of Eden Bann Weir, and 200m upstream to 200m downstream of Wattlebank Control Weir. “There are signs in place advising fishers of the closed waters, and it is the responsibility of all fishers to know the rules before heading out.” Fishing in closed waters is a serious offence that carries a $455 on-the-spot fine or a maximum penalty of $110,000, and your equipment could be seized.

Fishers should also note that restrictions apply to the use of fishing nets in Queensland fresh waters.
Landing nets, scoop or dip nets and dilly nets are permitted to be used, however all other nets including cast and seine (bait) nets are illegal.

On-the-spot fines of $1138 apply. If you suspect illegal fishing, whether seen in person or online, report it to the Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116. Don’t engage the person, as this can compromise an investigation.

All information provided to the hotline will be prioritised based on potential fishery risks, accuracy and reliability, with an appropriate response formulated.

For more information on Queensland’s fishing rules, visit, call 13 25 23 or download the free Qld Fishing app from Apple and Google app stores. You can follow Fisheries Queensland on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@FisheriesQld).

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