Gold Coast waterways had a much needed flush

Wayne Beutal scored a nice feed of Mud Crabs on his Houseboat Holiday.
Mark Skippin landed this quality Coomera River Flathead.

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, it’s nice to finally see all the wind and rain ease up on the Gold Coast. Conditions this week have been extremely average for fishing. Let’s have a look at some options for the weekend after all the rain. flush gold coast after rain

After such a dry winter on the Gold Coast the waterways were in need of a good flush out, it just all happened in 3 days rather than over a month. The positives to lots of rain will be great fishing and crabbing in the months to come. Bait fish and prawns from the top reaches of the rivers will get flushed out and spread through the Broadwater and Jumpinpin and also Mud Crabs will get a good stir up.

A good plan for the weekend will be to start working in the mouths of the Coomera River, Pimpama River, Nerang River, Logan River or closer to the Jumpinpin Bar or Gold Coast Seaway entrance where they meet up with the main channel and try to locate schools of bait. Spotting the edges where fresh and salt water meet along with current lines will be a good starting place to locate predators on the prowl. I like to work metal or soft vibes and soft plastics along the edges. You will have a great chance of landing plenty of species like Jew Fish, Flathead, Trevally, Tarpon, Giant Herring and Tailor just to name a few.

Click here to find out more on catching big flathead.

Mud Crabs should be on the move after all the rain we received, I’d recommend getting the pots in over the weekend. Try up the top reaches of the rivers to start with, depending on numbers you may have to work your pots towards the river mouth until you find a good feed. Whole mullet and fish frames are the best bait.

Andy has reported catching nice big Bream at Jumpinpin during the week on his Coomera Houseboat Holiday. Plus he had a great roof over his head so the rain didn’t bother him and the bream love to feed in the rain. They are basically scavengers and will eat anything flushed out of creeks and rivers.

Once the swell drops offshore the local reefs should be fishing well, the big swell usually stirs up all the feed and gets the fish on the chew.

Brad Smith Fishing Charters will take advantage of the rain and be hunting around the Broadwater. Areas like Carters Bank, Runaway Bay, Paradise Point and the Nerang River in search Flathead, Bream, Whiting, Squire and Tusk Fish. Brad will be hunting Jew Fish, Flathead, Whiting and Mangrove Jack in the Tweed River will produce.

Hope you all have a good weekend and get out for a fish, if you have any great catches or photos you would like to share, please email us and let us know how you went.

Coomera Houseboat Holidays/Coomera Bait & Tackle now have Hire Tinnies follow the link to view

Seabreeze is a great website to access a local forecast

At the time of writing my report the forecast looks like we will see like E/NE winds on Friday and Saturday. Sunday will see the wind tend Northerly and increase from light to moderate. All up the weekend is looking great for heading out fishing. I always recommend you have the latest weather report before you head out on the water.

If you have any great catches to report or fishing photos please email them to    Good luck with the Fishing.  Brett

Coomera Bait & Tackle operates with Coomera Houseboat Holidays. We are open 7 days a week offering a great range of Fishing Tackle Gold Coast for our local area as well as bait & ice. We have the experience and local knowledge to get you out catching fish in no time. We offer off street parking and also a courtesy jetty for customers arriving by boat. Call 07 5502 6200

Coomera Houseboat Holidays Website

Coomera Bait & Tackle Website

Coomera Bait & Tackle Facebook page

Coomera Houseboat Holidays Face Book page 

flush gold coast after rain

flush gold coast after rain flush gold coast after rain flush gold coast after rain flush gold coast after rain flush gold coast after rain 

About Coomera Houseboat Holidays

84 Shipper Drive Coomera QLD 4209 P: 07 5502 6200

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