vessel tracking policy feedback minister harvest strategy

Letter from Sunfish to Fisheries Minister regarding commercial fishers

DEAR Minister, I understand the Bill to go to Cabinet on December 9, 2019 to progress the commercial allocation process for the Harvest Strategy has been further delayed.

It is very important to get this Bill into the January sitting to be progressed. The recreational sector has co-operated with the process and has accepted a large reduction in catch of both snapper and pearl perch which could be as high as half their catch in an effort to conserve these species.

Now we hear the commercial sector is not supporting their part of this process. The plan will not work if only the recreational sector is restricted.

Please do not allow the commercial sector to derail this sustainable management process. The LNP will side with the commercial fishing sector as they always do, but this is one of the reasons they have occupied the opposition benches for so long.

Yours sincerely,

Jeff Ahchay

Chairman Sunfish Moreton Branch

If you would like to add your support to see the commercial fishing sector’s changes under the Harvest Strategy implemented, please email Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner at

It is very important to get this Bill into the January sitting to be progressed. The recreational sector has co-operated with the process and has accepted a large reduction in catch of both snapper and pearl perch which could be as high as half their catch in an effort to conserve these species.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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One comment

  1. As an x trawler man you’re asking the wrong person for support for amateurs against pros not on your nelly.??

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