Avator creates a new boating experience for Mercury’s global customers.

Mercury Marine announces Avator electric outboard concept

Mercury Marine has announced its Avator electric outboard concept, representing Mercury’s next step in marine innovation, advanced technology and engineering.

The electric outboard concept will be on display for the first time during the 2022 Miami International Boat Show and is progressing the company toward the formal release of electric outboard products later in 2022 and 2023.

Avator creates a new boating experience for Mercury’s global customers, combining an investment in electrification with more than 80 years of expertise in the marine industry.

Leveraging Mercury’s leadership and reputation for hydrodynamics, corrosion resistance, reliability and industrial design, the Avator concept will deliver a superior user experience for a wide range of vessels and activities.

Mercury Marine president Chris Drees said, “We are excited to formally announce this bold new phase of our vision for the future that only Mercury Marine can deliver.”

“Electrification is strategically important to us and this concept provides a first look at how we intend to deliver on our commitment to be the industry leader in both internal combustion products and electric propulsion.

“We are taking efficiency to a new level, opening up new ways to enjoy the boating experience.”

“Our team is taking everything we know about how consumers use our products and incorporating it into Avator, creating an electric propulsion system that will set a new benchmark for the marine industry,” Mr Drees said.

Avator advances Mercury’s commitment to sustainability by offering the prospect of boating with zero direct emissions.

Mercury is also using electrification to make boating more accessible, with features such as swappable batteries and enhanced portability.

Mercury Marine vice president of product development and engineering Tim Reid said, “Mercury has the industry’s strongest and most robust technology and design teams who are shaping a new power for marine that expands the brand into new applications.”

“We believe features such as easily changeable batteries and quiet operation hold great appeal for current and prospective boaters.

“We expect our breadth of electric offerings to expand over time, and we will continue to listen to consumer feedback and monitor adoption trends,” Mr Reid said.

For those in Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific keen to get a look at the new concept, customers can expect updates in line with formal global releases.

It is expected that the Avator concept will be displayed in the region in 2022, with further updates coming.

Learn more about the Mercury Avator concept and our vision for electrification at mercurymarine.com/avator.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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