Adam went out on a local charter and had a great day, with a mixed bag of snapper, tuskfish and grassies taken home for the table.

Moreton Bay dishing up diversity

EVERY time you look around Moreton Bay you find something you never noticed before. Either a new bit of rubble, a fresh piece of reef or a different snag in one of the numerous creeks, which may hold your next personal best. So much ground out in the bay hasn’t been thoroughly explored. Moreton Bay diversity

And many of us get set in our ways when it comes to fishing, always an hour before the change of tide, always on a certain moon phase… even down to the one or two types of bait used. Don’t be afraid to take the blinkers off and mix it up a bit, you never know what honey hole you’ll find or what species you’ll catch, and it certainly won’t hurt to give something different a go for a couple of trips.Moreton Bay diversity

There have been a few cracking reports of snapper in the bay areas both inside and outside of Moreton Island. During a good weather window, Eddie smashed a couple of awesome snapper, but this was as a result of putting in time and kilometres looking for new ground. Nailing cracker fish such as this certainly put a few meals on the table, well done Eddie!Moreton Bay diversity

Still on the snapper scene, Adam Teach went out on a local charter and had a great day too. The weather was not perfect, but the results were fairly good. A mixed bag of snapper, tuskfish and grassies were taken home for the table. If you don’t have your own boat and want to go on a charter, give us a call and we can recommend a couple for you. Please remember that the snapper and pearl perch closure runs from 15 July to 15 August.Moreton Bay diversity

Well done Adam, good to see you had an awesome result! If you are going to venture out at night, remember to check your running lights to ensure you can be seen. You don’t want to ruin a great night because your lights weren’t working or visible. Another consideration is wearing your lifejacket, which is particularly important at night because so many things can happen ending with you landing in the drink.Moreton Bay diversity

Play it safe out there and ideally put your jacket on for the duration of your trip. Reports that tailor are in the Moreton Bay area have been plentiful, with quite a few undersized guys stealing bait, destroying rigs and making a mess out of bait jigs around the piers too! A night high tide seems to be providing best results, from the rock groins at Brighton, the northern side of Scotts Point, Pine River, Brisbane River through to Pumicestone Passage – upper and lower.Moreton Bay diversity


About Mark Templeton

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