complacent pests Australia
The author with some young anglers at Boondooma Fishing Day.

Never become complacent about pests in Australia

Greetings fishos and I hope 2022 is not the year we see tilapia spread further. At least, let’s all aim for that. complacent pests Australia

Well done and thank you to Freshwater Fishing and Stocking Association of Queensland for continuing to push the message that pest fish of all kinds are bad for our native fish and ecosystems. complacent pests Australia

Don’t forget, while we all have a responsibility to continue to do the right thing, we have our political leaders out there looking for your vote later this year. complacent pests Australia

Why not ask the candidates what they are going to do about degraded waterways, pests and other aquatic problems in our freshwater systems?

Don’t let our politicians and civic fathers off the hook.

Sure, COVID and public health is important, but without our natural systems to help us grow and produce food and fibre, the human race will find it difficult to exist.

Let them know the community values our unique natural systems.

While we are letting our community leaders know we value our waterways, we need to stress that pests are exactly that.

I may have already shared this, but it really gets up my nose how the community often perceive animals and their place in the ecosystem.

Last year I came across a news story on the ABC News website describing a rather feel good description of two people from Melbourne and an introduced invasive pest bird species, a starling.

If interested, here is the link –

Unfortunately, there was no message about how the starling has impacted Australia’s native birdlife as a nest site invader and how starlings can impact rural fruit crops.

As a community we can’t afford to become complacent about our dwindling natural resources, let alone replace them with pests from elsewhere around the globe.

The Murray Darling Basin Authority has had an education program in place now for over 10 years.

Hopefully we can keep the MDB tilapia free.

This program has been described in detail on the Finterest website.

If you want more details, here is the link –

So, as we begin to move around this great country again, let us remain vigilant and keep the unique and valuable resource that is the Murray Darling Basin as pest free as we can.
If there is anyone who would like further information on tilapia or pest fish identification material, you can contact Rod Cheetham on 0427 514 704.

Rod Cheetham

For more stories from this issue click HERE!!!

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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