Noosa fishing
Chris with a very nice cobia.

Noosa – weekly fishing report

Offshore and sunnyWith the continuation of good weather right through, it feels like we are truly blessed to live here. The lack of swell held off with a mid-week SE pulse seeing a few small sets on the bar. With a bit of patience an easy crossing was still achievable for all. Noosa fishing

The consistent winds from the west gave way to beautiful clear days and water. The lead up to the super moon saw an influx of mackerel and longtail tuna on the bite. These fish appeared to be found everywhere in the shallower areas of Sunshine, Halls, Teewah, Peregion, Coolum and beyond. The bigger tides carried in the bait which were reported as small whitebait around 40mm in length. This saw most anglers casting 20g-30g slugs and 3-4 inch soft plastics.

If throwing soft plastics then small minnows like the power bait 3 inch in watermelon pearl is a successful colour. You are best to match these to a 3/8th jighead and 20lb line for better presentation and results. The great thing about this method is you can always sink them to the bottom for reef fish. On the reef fish side of things smaller snapper continue their run. Water temps are still pretty high so the cooler waters out wide are showing slightly bigger fish. Out wide the Hards is coming up trumps with some solid reds taken on big flesh baits. If targeting big fish on gang hooks, makes sure you use the Shogun gangs. These hooks won’t let you down when it comes to the crunch! Noosa fishing


Noosa fishing
Cooper Heit caught this 45cm diamond trevally.


Off the beaches many anglers are preparing for the winter run of jewfish. These fish can take some working out and only persistence pays. With some swell on the way the next minor moon phase is certainly worth a shot. For those who love traditional fibreglass rods the Gary Howard bulldog will see you achieve huge casts and have the backbone to turn the head of 20kg fish. Make sure you use big fresh baits with some bait thread to keep things in place as jewies are sticklers for presentation. Noosa fishing

The river continues to come up trumps with diamonds, goldens, queens and a few ghosts. Winter is the time of year where we see trevally, queenfish and jewfish showing up throughout the system. These fish all respond differently but with some basic knowledge you too can catch a few. Micro jigs seam to be getting the bite with smaller 3 inch Keitech easy shiners working well. Micro jigs in the 7-10 gram range are perfect for hopping along the bottom or burning just below the surface making them very versatile.

Try fishing around Munna Point on a tide change and all along the ski run if the waters are clear enough. The lack of rain and the bigger tides should see baitfish get pushed further up which will see the fish move with them. If you can find the dirty water line where the two tides meet this can often be an amazing fishing spot as fish will feed in this mixing of currents.

For those looking for a more relaxed approach then pick up a tub of beach worm and head to the river mouth. Try your luck in the neap tides on the local whiting, bream and flathead. These tides do not carry big currents and give you a longer fishing window. With the current weather there is no better time to be out there.

Now, for all the latest information log onto for up-to-date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Tackle World Noosa, Noosa Boating and Outdoors and Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember, tight lines and bent spines!

Click here for more Noosa fishing tips!!!

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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