It was an amazing community operation. Photo: Tinnie Heroes trailer still

Northern Rivers Tinnie Heroes

The unlikely heroes who came to the rescue during the devastating flooding in the Northern Rivers region in NSW last year have been honoured in the short film Tinnie Heroes.

The tale of the local tinnie boaties who put themselves at risk by saving those trapped by floodwaters was produced by Susanna Freymark and Jimmy Malecki.

It was an amazing community operation – people unhesitant in launching their tinnies, braving dangerous conditions and doing what they could to help.

Danny Lickiss, Susanna Freymark, Elaine Trustum and Jimmy Malecki at the Woodburn screening of Tinnie Heroes. Photo: Jimmy Malecki


More than 300 people were at the official launch of the film at the Woodburn Memorial Hall.

At the end of the screening, there was a standing ovation.

Local Jim Lagerstedt wrote about the Northern Rivers Tinnie Heroes film on the Evans Head Notice Board Facebook page.

“What an emotional and wonderful night.”

“We were worried that watching the film was going to stir up a lot of sad and depressing memories from what we all went through a year ago.

Susanna Freymark hugged Bob May who starred in Tinnie Heroes. Photo: Jimmy Malecki


“But although it was an emotional experience, the opposite happened – it actually felt uplifting and inspirational to listen to the stories of the amazing tinnie heroes who risked their own lives in order to save others.

“Sometimes their neighbours but many times people they had never met before.

“The packed Woodburn Hall even burst out in laughter on several occasions.

“Huge congratulations to first-time film maker Susanna Freymark and her partner in crime Jimmy Malecki.

“Together they have produced a beautiful short film that showcases true heroism and something so beautiful in the midst of all the tragedy of such a catastrophic event.”

The trailer for Tinnie Heroes can be viewed on YouTube.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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