
Plenty of fresh water in the River System

What a week of weather! Monday we had storms and hail followed by late afternoon storms mid-week and some swell to boot. This has left the offshore brigade thinking about their next trip and now is the perfect time to start planning for the up and coming pelagic season.

Surf fishing is now a great option as the run off will have carved some gutters out along all the major beaches. Rock fishing is not advisable due to the swell and winds. Take a look at Noosa and Maroochy River mouths and use lightly weighted baits allowed to drift out to see in any currents. The tuna and mackerel are on their way with good numbers of longtail at Tin Can Bay and sightings off Noosa National Park, Point Arkwright and Old Woman Island last week.

There have been some monster spanish mackerel getting caught off the beaches at Fraser Island by slide baiting. This technique is fast taking off and is a great way to get baits out beyond the breakers with the correct equipment. This method is a great way to target huge jewfish and cobia as well as pelagic’s that will come in closer to feed in low light conditions. Come and take a look at our range of heavier surf gear, surf reels and slide bait rigs.

In the river we have had some cracking flathead and jewfish caught on a wide range of baits and lures. Now that there is a lot of freshwater in the system it is the best to use lures with vibration. With the murkier water fish will be relying on their lateral line to feel vibration so slow your retrieves down and break out the soft vibes, blades and paddle tail plastics. Soft vibes to use include Fish Candy Jack Hammer, Jackall Transams, and Samaki Thumpers. Soft plastics to use are Chasebaits Paddle bait, Zman Trick Swimz and Squidgy Paddle prawn.

Fishing around the tide change, especially from the low to high will see an influx of saltier water coming into the estuary. If you are out and about it would be best to focus around the dog beach, woods bays, Noosa River mouth and along Gympie Terrace. Baits to use include pilchards, mullet and bonito as these have a high oil content and will certainly help fish find it.

If you are losing baits to small fish then a few wraps of bait wrap will keep baits in place longer. Don’t forget with all of the fresh water in the system now is the time we start to see mud crabs on the move. Be sure to come and grab all your pots and gear needed to get you in with a chance of catching a feed.

Freshwater fishing is another option especially after the heavy rains and deep diving lures like Jackall Squirrels, Lucky Craft Pointers and Zerek Tango shads will all have their place when fished up close to fallen trees. These are also deadly when worked along weed edges under electric motor power. If fishing Borumba be sure to sound around the boat ramp as the fish will school up as the dam starts to overflow. This also applies to Lake MacDonald and around the bubble trail too.

Now for all the  latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoor in Noosa and  Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle at Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!

About Tackle World Noosa

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