Tips on how recreational fishers can help NSW prawns.

Protect our prawns from white spot

White spot was detected at two northern NSW prawn farms in February 2023 and was confirmed by NSW Department of Primary Industries and Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness diagnostic tests.

Consumers are assured that white spot does not pose a threat to human health or food safety.

NSW seafood, including prawns, remains safe to eat.

NSW DPI is working with farms to contain and eradicate white spot on-farm and ensuring the farms have appropriate biosecurity measures in place to continue to minimise risk of spread.

A control order is in place until June 14, 2023 and restricts the movement of raw uncooked prawns and polychaete worms from the Clarence River estuary while containment, source detection and surveillance activities are underway.

More information about the control order, what it means to you and how you can help protect NSW prawns is available on the NSW DPI website –

Tips on how recreational fishers can help NSW prawns:

  • Never use prawns intended for human consumption as bait
  • When fishing, always source your bait from a trusted supplier local to the area you intend to fish
  • If you catch your own bait, use it only in the water from where it came
  • Dispose of your prawn waste – heads or shells – in general waste, never to our waterways
  • Make ‘clean’ part of your routine – wash your vehicles and gear between waterways.

Report any unusual mortalities or suspicions of white spot to the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline 1800 675 888.

For more information, see or email

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