Additional reporting functions for the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries recreational fishing app, Qld Fishing 2.0.

Rec reporting on Fisheries app

Building a recreational catch and shark depredation reporting function into the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries recreational fishing app will ensure it can be a one-stop-shop for recreational fishing information and reporting.

That’s the finding of the DAF project team and app developer after assessing feedback from consultations with recreational fishers.

Feedback from last year’s spanish mackerel management changes consultation paper found several stakeholders wanted better recreational catch data for spanish mackerel and shark depredation, with voluntary recreational and smartphone reporting.

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries team are working closely with several recreational fishers to help with answering questions about the design and use of the app’s features.

This means improvements will happen with direct feedback and input from fishers.]

Features on the app

  • Identify your catch
  • Check the rules for your fishing spot — ‘Can I Fish Here?’ feature
  • Receive reminders about closures
  • Find fish aggregating devices (FADs), boat facilities, stocked impoundments and artificial reefs
  • Buy a permit to fish in stocked dams or weirs
  • Learn more about your catch — like the age of a fish and fish stock biomass (where available)
  • Link to Queensland weather and tide information
  • Send questions, information or feedback
  • Use in remote locations and areas with limited reception

If you have feedback on the recreational fishing app, email

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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