crabbing and prawning fishing barramundi
Matthew Smith with a 73cm barra caught at Lake Monduran last weekend.

Rain to benefit the Bundaberg fishing, crabbing and prawning

After such a long dry spell, Bundaberg finally received some welcome rain last weekend.  The only problem was, when it started it didn’t know how to stop; with Bundaberg receiving around 250-300mm of rain on a single day.

All our local rivers will be a little dirty from the local run off but should start to clear up towards the weekend.

At this stage the forecast is looking okay for a chance to head offshore with Sunday being the better of the two days but as always, check your local forecast as things can change.

The rain last weekend will benefit the fishing, crabbing and prawning over the next few weeks.  Everyone is predicting the prawns should stick around in the deeper holes and the muddies should really fire up, so it should be worth putting in a few pots. If you get out, good luck with the crabbing and prawning!

With those extremely hot days last week, just prior to the rain, good numbers of mangrove jack and barramundi were both on the chew.

A good option to catch a feed this weekend will be around our river mouths and local beaches.  Plenty of dart, whiting, bream and flathead should provide plenty of entertainment if you want to wet a line.  Best baits have been fresh yabbies, beachworm and peeled prawns.

In the second week of the school holidays I took the family up to Lake Monduran for a few days of camping and fishing.  For the few days at the lake, we managed to land 15 barra up to 73cm in size and we were busted off just as many times.  Everyone we talked to seemed to be catching good numbers of barra with some stand out lures being the Rapala X-Rap SXR-10 and the good old Jackall Squirrel.

Let’s hope this action continues for the Annual Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic being held on the 14th and 15th October.  We hope to see you there!

Fish with confidence,

Dale Smith

Tackle World Bundaberg

About Tackle World Bundaberg

22 Quay St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 1800 822 553 or (07) 4153 4747

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