raymarine axiom clearcruise

Raymarine ClearCruise Augmented Reality navigation technology

FLIR Systems has delivered a marine industry first with the introduction of the Raymarine navigation technology, ClearCruise Augmented Reality, which brings enhanced on water awareness to Raymarine’s family of Axiom multifunction displays.

With ClearCruise AR, Raymarine Axiom users can make smarter decisions with physical navigation objects overlaid directly on Axiom’s high-definition video display. FLIR also announced a new video stabilisation module, the Raymarine AR200, which integrates with ClearCruise.

ClearCruise AR video imagery is supported by Raymarine CAM210 HD marine cameras to provide an augmented reality view from any camera position on the vessel. The AR200 video stabilisation module includes a precision GPS/GNSS sensor and the same attitude heading reference sensor (AHRS) technology used in Raymarine’s award-winning Evolution™ autopilots. ClearCruise AR accurately displays nearby navigation markers, automatic identification system (AIS) traffic, objects, and waypoints in sync with real-world imagery for instant recognition and making complex navigation and high traffic situations simpler to understand.

Recently, ClearCruise AR received the Innovation Award in the OEM electronics category at the IBEX marine industry event in Tampa, Florida. ClearCruise AR joins the Axiom MFD, which won the prestigious Miami Boat Show innovation award in 2017.

“Our new ClearCruise AR technology delivers an intuitive method of combining navigation data with the real world,” said Travis Merrill, President of the Commercial Business Unit at FLIR. “Using Axiom’s powerful video capabilities and our exclusive AR200 video image stabilisation technology, ClearCruise AR gives captains greater confidence and peace of mind when navigating busy or unfamiliar waterways.”

ClearCruise AR for Raymarine Axiom, Axiom Pro, and Axiom XL multifunction navigation displays is compatible with the forthcoming LightHouse 3.7 OS update. Axiom users will be able to download the update at www.raymarine.com/lighthouse

The CAM210 HD marine video camera (RRP $999 inc GST) is currently available through FLIR’s network of Raymarine dealers and resellers. The AR200 video stabilisation module (RRP $899 inc GST) and LightHouse 3.7 will be available in October 2018. To learn more about ClearCruise AR, visit www.raymarine.com/clearcruise.

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