barra open season 2019
Tyson Lythall with a 99cm barramundi he caught in the Kolan River in 2017.

Get ready for barramundi season

QUEENSLAND anglers are gearing up for barramundi season, which re-opens at midday on Friday, February 1.

Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district manager Tony Loader reminded fishers to check the size and possession limits that apply to the iconic Queensland species when the season opens. “It’s important that fishers refresh their knowledge of the rules and regulations before dropping a line to avoid being fined,” Mr Loader said. “The minimum size limit for barramundi on the east coast and Gulf of Carpentaria is 58cm, the maximum size limit is 120cm and the possession limit is five fish per person. For those fishing in some of Queensland’s stocked freshwaters, one barramundi may be taken if it is greater than 120cm.”

For the full list of these stocked freshwater locations, visit

Closed seasons have been in place for barramundi since October 7, 2018 in the Gulf of Carpentaria and on the east coast since November 1. Mr Loader said annual closures apply to barramundi fishing to ensure the long-term sustainability of the fish species. “The closed seasons which coincide with spawning periods protect barramundi stocks during this vulnerable time in their life cycle. This allows the fish to spawn and replenish to ensure healthy fish stocks for current and future generations of Queenslanders.”

If you suspect illegal fishing, whether seen in person or online, report it to the Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116. Don’t engage with the person, as this can compromise an investigation.

For more information on Queensland’s fishing closed seasons, visit, call 13 25 23 or download the free ‘Qld Fishing’ app from Apple and Google app stores. You can follow Fisheries Queensland on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@FisheriesQld).

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