review of import conditions for prawns

Review of import conditions for prawns and prawn products

THE Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is undertaking a review of the import conditions for prawns and prawn products for human consumption.

The review will consider the biosecurity risks for these imports from all countries and recommend appropriate import conditions to manage these. This review will be conducted through a comprehensive non-regulated risk analysis of existing import conditions and policy, including the current Generic Import Risk Analysis Report for Prawns and Prawn Products, which was finalised in 2009.

It is common practice to review import conditions to ensure risks are appropriately managed in a changing biosecurity environment. The review will take into account the best available scientific information, international standards developed by the World Organisation for Animal Health as well as policies adopted by other countries for the importation of these products.

The department will use external resources and experts as necessary to undertake the review and may include requesting advice or information from the Scientific Advisory Group. It will identify and categorise hazards of biosecurity concern associated with the importation of these products.

Risk assessments of disease agents will be undertaken as required. The department will then prepare a draft report, which will be published on before consulting with stakeholders and inviting comment.
Following the consultation period, the department will consider feedback in preparing a final report.

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