Samaki Chromed Barra Shirt

THE Samaki Chromed Barra shirt reflects what we see and dream of in a barramundi.

Beautiful lines, enhanced features and stunning chrome colour; the signature of a big barramundi.

Set among the dense and dark mangroves, the Chromed Barra lurches out from the structure to engulf a Samaki Vibelicious Thumper Tail.

This is the start of the fight to win the ultimate trophy fish after enticing the barra from the structure of the mangroves.

Samaki long-sleeve fishing shirts offer superior UV50+ protection, keeping you protected from harsh ultraviolet rays and cool while on the water.

With a recommended retail price from $59.95 in adults and $49.95 in kids and youth, Samaki shirts are available from a size 2 toddlers to a 3XL adults.

For more information and stockists, visit or like Samaki on Instagram and Facebook.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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