samaki zing xtreme swimbait

Samaki Zing Xtreme Swimbait rods

WITH the increase in swimbait fishing techniques spreading across Australia, Samaki has designed two specific actions to suit the Australian market.

The 7’9” Samaki Zing model is designed for medium to large swimbaits up to 5oz while the 8’ model suits the bigger timber swimbait lures up to 8oz. Both have a long, double-handed butt design that is detachable at the fore grip, enabling easier transport and increased power when fighting fish, all without a loss of action.

In designing this series, the Samaki team took into account the need for appropriately sized guides. When designing rods for international markets, certain markets require adjustments to the basic design. In the US, anglers tend to fish monofilament straight though, whereas in Australia we fish braid with heavy fluorocarbon leader, which means we need bigger guides for increased casting distance and long-term performance.

Both Samaki Zing Xtreme Swimbait rods sport Fuji reel seats, Fuji guides, ultra-hard EVA camouflage grips and are a blend of 30 and 40-tonne Japanese carbon to obtain a perfect action when chucking large lures. Although swimbaiting was originally developed in the freshwater scene by anglers chasing Murray cod, it has rapidly been adapted to targeting barramundi in the northern states and jewfish in the southern areas, so jump on board with this phenomenal fishing technique.

With a starting price of $349.95, visit for more information and follow Samaki on Instagram and Facebook.

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