
Spanish mackerel and coral trout monitoring

Did you know Fisheries Queensland have measured over 10,000 spanish mackerel in the Torres Strait since 2019 as part of our Torres Strait Biological Sampling Program?

Fisheries Queensland are working with Torres Strait communities in collecting length, sex and age information about their catches of spanish mackerel and coral trout species.

This helps provide more certainty about the management arrangements for these species by showing how stocks are changing over time.

We’ve visited the Mer, Erub, Ugar, Masig, Poruma and Waiben communities, demonstrating sampling techniques, sharing data, signing up volunteer fishers, and taking biological samples of any catch being landed or kept.


This research is funded by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and the Torres Strait Regional Authority.

Spanish mackerel in the Torres Strait are genetically distinct from the stock along the East Coast, which we also monitor.

The East Coast stock spans from Cape York waters in north Queensland to northern New South Wales waters.

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