reefs fish sunshine coast
Geoff Stirzaker: My mate Dan and I went out on Saturday morning and struggled to land anything decent until this 65cm trout crashed the party. Took a live yakka. Weight was 4.3kg. Photo:

Sunshine Coast reefs producing plenty of fish

As we headed into the weekend the winds dropped and the swell sat around a comfortable 1.2m. This of course saw busy boat ramps and with low tides before first light the bar was an easier crossing for many heading out to fish the reefs.

Out wide Barwon Banks and the Hards were popular for the bigger boats. Despite the current a good mix of snapper, amberjack, pearl perch and some unstoppable fish were reported around these reefs. Most of these fish taking slab baits of mullet and whole pilchard. North reef was a popular place to be with reef fish on the chew. Gang hooked pilchards sent down with heavy #10 ball sinkers ensures baits are still during higher current times and they work well for snapper, pearlies, tuskies and cod. If drifting this area then bigger gulp plastics like the nemesis will call up the bigger fish so be sure to have a mix of jigheads up to 1 ½ oz as they catch a lot of water and swim very well.

The closer reefs of Sunshine and Halls headed north toward Teewah were also popular for those fishing and making inward bar crossings before the afternoon low tide. Slow trolled dead baits saw a few lone Spanish pick up and run along with smaller cobia. With bird action becoming less, now is a great time to do a bit of slow trolling if after a big pelagic. These fish will be more focused on bigger bait so go slow around the reefs and have a spread of different options available. If you are running trace make sure you use single strand wire and super small Shogun swivels to reduce bubble trails. Come in and see how we make a haywire twist for the best results.

Surf fishing has been going great after dark and in the run up to the full moon saw the focus on jewies. There have been reports of many big fish lost so be sure you are going appropriately spooled up and ready for a long fight. With plenty of fresh mullet available in store, now is the best time to spool up with quality mono and get those big reels serviced. Daytime fishing has seen larger dart and some quality sea bream showing up along with bigger flatties to 60cm.

Noosa River flatties have also been on the chew around the frying pan the Noosa North Shore and some bigger fish found around the snags of the dog beach. With the building spring tides and the full moon, fishing during the last of a tide and the turn is the better time. When fishing it is always important to look at the strength of the tidal run as fish tend to hide away from strong current. Next week will see neap tides which will see more options available for the land based angler.

With the cooler mornings we are also seeing decent queenfish showing up and chopper tailor in the estuary. These fish are usually focused around Woods Bay, the current line and junction of coastguard and the main channel. These fish will take a wide range of lures and baits so be sure to try a few options and check for nervous bait on the surface. From poppers to stickbaits and even soft vibes, queenfish usually put on great shows and when they get over 70cm to 90cm you can be assured of a battle. Have landing nets ready and ensuring fish are out of the water for a limited time will see a strong, healthy release.

Elsewhere in the river you can expect to start seeing golden trevally and small giant trevally feeding along the tide lines. They will also congregate around points and areas where back eddys are formed as bait can get swept up in these. Small grubs in the 2 inch size work really well here on super light jig heads and 8lb leaders.

Now for all the  latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoors in Noosa and  Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!

About Tackle World Noosa

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